I didn't even see a sink. I saw a stovetop above a toilet. No hand washing required in ze pod.
On the bright side, no room for a fucking funko pop collection
"I don't see showers or sinks"
You don't see them in prison cells either.
No shower
Where will I put my oscilloscope, bench power supply, soldering station, ham radios, my assortment of components, parts, wires, circuit boards, SBCs, antennas, microwave, refrigerator, freezer, garden, shower, my shoes, clothes and artwork? Maybe, I can connect about 8 of these together.
You build a balcony outside the window. (You can put your toilet out there too and just have it dump out into the street.)
India leads the world with this design. Though they're too lazy to do the building so just shit directly on the street.
yes! a porthole and a funnel, problem solved! ... except for the whole inability to clean funnel
You vill have to make do and sleep amongst your vire and soldering iron, We do not expect you tro be comfortable in ze pod but you vil be happy. YOU VIL HAVE TO EAT ZE BUGS AT SOME POINT ASVELL!
We're probably already eating them, indirectly.
"Don't shit where you eat" is definitely not a consideration for anyone who chooses to "live" here.
(post is archived)