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(post is archived)

[–] β€’ 2 pts

So (((they’re))) raising the nigger tax again?

[–] β€’ 1 pt

Ding. Ding. Ding.

[–] β€’ 2 pts

One thing I found in living 3 decades in the raging tire fire that masquerades as a free state. The Dip Shits there all like to think they are the roughest, toughest, most savvy, ,most cosmopolitan, most erudite, politically astute and smartest people EVER and the sad fact is, they are NONE of those things and are, in fact THE dumbest MFers on the planet.

[–] β€’ 1 pt

Most sound like it. That Machismo thing is awful.

[–] β€’ 2 pts

Absolutely. Im from New England. We have 2 seasons there. July/August and Winter so snow is nothing to us. In Jew York they love owning Range Rovers, FJ's Hummers etc. Shit that can climb a wall. Yet let 2 inches of snow fall and they're all white knuckling it down the road while I pass them laughing my ass off. Pussies. The ONLY thing I miss about that shit hole dump is the good animal rescue people I knew there. They do a great job in Hellistic place. Other than that....let it burn.

[–] β€’ 1 pt


[–] β€’ 0 pt

Stupid waste of time and money, with no support for those who are productive. But what else is new?