This is brilliant. They can't even have their tran rage besides looking like groomers. Just straight put on the spot in headlights making them look extra groomer, without it becoming a stupid Twitter back and forth
Exactly :)
This is brilliant. They can't even have their tran rage besides looking like groomers. Just straight put on the spot in headlights making them look extra groomer, without it becoming a stupid Twitter back and forth
Exactly :)
Hit fire code capacity and if they go over, some purple hair gets fined.
That's exactly what they did. I heard about this already. Once a couple sick fuck parents had managed to squeeze their kids in the organizing pastor (I think) told the library director they were over capacity. All the sick fucks had to leave. And then the grooming show was "performed" to protestors only.
Chef kiss
Ooooh, up the ante! I like it!
They take that picture with a potato?
Makes my /s/SmedleysPhotographylook good
with cheese
Yes. And that is a picture of a potato as well
Haha, touche faggot pedophile
Do this until trannies are chased out of society like Frankenstein's monster.
The problem is, these sick fucks will never ever stop because they’re biologically driven to do this shit.
There’s only one way to handle a pedo infestation and sadly I can’t talk about it here else I be considered inciting violence.
This is a good stop-gap method though. Would love for this to happen and for people to film all the pedos’ reactions. I bet more than a few would throw magnificent fits.
If the screenshot's any kind of accurate and legit, it's their "allies" that are the problem
(post is archived)