Get a good taste of the future by using an online banking service. Every time you turn around to use funds they block access for "fraudulent activities". Some fucking pajeet that can barely speak- much less English, mumbling and eating food while asking "what's your i.d number a hundred times.
Get a good taste of the future by using an online banking service. Every time you turn around to use funds they block access for "fraudulent activities". Some fucking pajeet that can barely speak- much less English, mumbling and eating food while asking "what's your i.d number a hundred times.
...if only there were a way to actually hold custody of your own digital currency without a street shitter between you and it. Something rock solid that gave you completely control and responsibility over it? Think of it! It could use cryptographic keys to ensure security and value. Whelp... Too bad, no such thing exists. If it did we could call it a Blockchain! Oh well... Back to begging the pajeet.
...if only there were a way to actually hold custody of your own digital currency without a street shitter between you and it. Something rock solid that gave you completely control and responsibility over it? Think of it! It could use cryptographic keys to ensure security and value. Whelp... Too bad, no such thing exists. If it did we could call it a Blockchain! Oh well... Back to begging the pajeet.
(post is archived)