Tell me you're jewish without telling me you're jewish.
In the biblical story of (((david))) against goliath, who's side are you on?
"David heard Goliath mocking Israel and their God. David was brave and volunteered to fight Goliath." -
"The sight of this giant, armed to his teeth, struck terror into the hearts of the Jews." -
Nope. Judea, fixed.
Nope. Judeans, fixed.
but I love jews so much I believe their trasnlations!!!!
Yeah. So;
Tell me you're jewish without telling me you're jewish.
Who's side are you? (((David))) or goliath?
Would you like me to call it "Judea-Christianity"?
"The name originates from the Hebrew name Yehudah, a son of the biblical patriarch Jacob/Israel, with Yehudah's progeny forming the biblical Israelite tribe of Judah (Yehudah) and later the associated Kingdom of Judah" -
Jude [ˈjuːdə] IPA Pronunciation Guide MASCULINE NOUN Word forms: Juden genitive , Juden plural Jew er ist Jude he is a Jew → auch Jüdin
Judea, Judeo, Jude, Judeans, Jüdin, Jew...
Sounds all the same to me. I wouldn't mind calling it Judea-Christianity if that makes you happy.
(post is archived)