Getting in some Karen's face because they're ragging on you about a fucking mask isn't going to make you a figure of fun on the internet. The opposite, if anything.
You need to get out of your echo chambers, literally everyone makes fun of the stupid bitch retards that throw tantrums for being told to wear a mask.
Ooh! Lookee here folks, we have a genuine true believer that masks and an endless chain of shots and boosters are the answer to all of the alleged coof and coof variant problems. Hey, moron, help yourself to as many clot-shots as you like. Wear as many face diapers as you wish but don't try to sell that mindless claptrap to me. Sell it down the street, moron.
My comment history disagrees with everything you said about me.
Maybe just maybe…you should not be a stupid bitch throwing tantrums in public and any other strawman you come up with is you being a stupid Bitch?
(post is archived)