that's fucking disgusting.
Imagine being a nigger and moving into a place full of beautiful people that know you don't belong there. They know they are despised.
not to mention that your classmates are half your age
At least they didn't put them in kindergarten, even if it is where they should be academically.
The one in red knows she's probably getting raped this semester
raped, again
She already has been.
This is Germany, so it was probably only rape after the first time.
It’s not rape you disgusting racist. It’sa cultural misunderstanding.
I believe the migrants call it a sexual emergency. Come to think of it, both parties could describe it that way for opposing reasons.
I'm thinking the first time is rape. But if they go the the authorities and mention the race the they are racist and it's now open season.
As a 60s kid growing up in Deutschland, the only niggers I ever saw were GIs
Three black janitors to clean one room? I guess that might be enough, if the two girls help.
The girls should be too busy making sandwiches.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was Germany. They were sold a bill of goods "diversity is good for the economy" etc The UN pushed that narrative because they know most of the european world can't be jew guilted as they don't teach the holohoax lie.
Actually you can now see this at schools all over Europe. But it's obviously worse in Germany. Most "refugees" entering Europe aspire to reach Germany or maybe Sweden and Belgium, but Germany is their top preference.
Its terrible. The worst part is these good white people WILL lose thier country, culture and heritage and they don't realize it. The Irish are losing to Somali's. The french have lost to mooslimes
What about Italys hug a chink day? How'd that work out?
42 year old highschool students
The pictures on the back wall look like they were drawn by 10 year olds.
Germans? I only see 2 Germans in that picture.
We are failing our women and they are failing their children by falling for all the jew tricks...
Feminism is the death of a society.... jews are ran by women if ya didn't know but their such fucking inverted parasite scum somehow it is allowing them to dominate the current moder world..
If you don't think they are dominating look at the percentage of billionaires and milliomairs that are jewish...
Now try going and getting a top tier white woman versus some kike with millions? Everything culturally is stacked against you.. now try to compete against groids who have been propped up by jews most college girls have burned the coal and tons are having niglet kids then being abandoned..
I don't like being a black pill dispenser but shit is fucked
Those girls look like hostages.
(post is archived)