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They actually went out of their way to track her down and arrest her apparently...

They actually went out of their way to track her down and arrest her apparently...

(post is archived)

[–] 9 pts 3y

Calling them "scared" is far from the truth... They aren't scared of us at all. Saying they are scared makes it seem like something is working. You lie.

If they were scared. They would be back hiding. Instead they are accelerating.

They only do that if they know they are progressing or profiting. If they are safe.

[–] 7 pts 3y

Not true. If they had no fear, they wouldn't need to do what they do. They'd simply do it.

Manufactured consent is critical. They know it all ends for them if their narrative gates break.

[–] 12 pts 3y

Holy shit man. They ARE DOING IT. I'm a terrorist now because I am critical of israel. That doesn't mean they are scared. Incarcerating you doesn't mean they are scared of you. They have the power and it cannot be taken from them now.

They are not scared. Stop making up light where there isn't any. False hope bullshit doesn't get shit done.

[–] 1 pt 3y

“They are scared” or “panic” are programmed phrases of the manipulated q psyop when ever proof of “bringing down the cabal” isn’t working but instead they’re getting bolder

[–] 1 pt 3y

narrative gates break.

what is this bullshit? have you talked to the average moron in public school?

[–] 0 pt 3y

I want to run my own school. First period of the day we will discuss Jews and how right out of the womb they seek to mutilate your genitals. Second period we will discuss how cats are satans creatures second only to the Jews and also must be slaughtered.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Are you fucking retarded? If one day more than half the world's population woke up and said nah fuck this no more, you probably wouldn't even need that many, what would they do? Kill everyone? Throw everyone in jail? How many of that woke population has family or friends in law etc? Why do you think there is a CONSTANT non stop shill/bot propaganda campaign going 24/7 to desperately try and keep the lie? They obviously weren't happy with how things were for them before covid, or they wouldn't have pulled this shit. It was getting to a do or die thing for them, pizzagate really fucked them up big time and they haven't recovered since. If covid didn't happen and we all went a long as we were, it wouldn't have taken much longer for humanity wake up, they knew this and forced their hand, even if it meant risking it all I.e covid being so obviously fake that it could wake people instead of fulfilling their plan. Now we're in some sort of limbo and the people seem to be coming out on top, there plan backfired and people are seeing through this covid bullshit (normies). All this shows that you can never stop the truth and the good from coming out and prevailing, they have been in control for hundreds of years and they still couldn't take a clean sweep of humanity they still have to desperately try, what does that tell you? They never will be in control and they never can be, the sooner we all realise that the sooner this ends

[–] 0 pt 3y

"if" You fucking faggot fuck. If isn't how the world works you God damn hopeful queer.

If you hope. You lie to yourself.

[–] 0 pt 3y

It's already happening you dumbass, why do you think they pulled this blatant covid bullshit? You don't have an answer, because you're a dystopian dickhead

[–] 1 pt 3y

I really appreciate this post because I think we have to stop kidding ourselves into thinking we have the enemy scared

[–] 1 pt 3y

Joe Biden hides all the fucking time, they are cowards.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I don’t think he’s hiding I think he’s probably just wandering off and getting lost.

[–] 0 pt 3y

or on his daily 18 hour nap

[–] 1 pt 3y

Instead they are accelerating.

Because their timeline has to be shortened lest we wake enough to stop it. Those signs are all over the place - its shy shills are everywhere, actual debate is censored, etc..

In other words, if they had all the power and control, PROPAGANDA WOULD BE POINTLESS.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Lol. You think the propaganda stops when things are complete?

Does nobody here see the spiritual side of what's happening? Are not paying attention to the actions of your fellow neighbors?

People conform. (((They))) are accelerating because they have control. Not because they are scared.

You will be killed instead of debated. Why would they need to be scared of the slaves that are in bondage?

[–] 0 pt 3y

Then I die standing instead of living on my knees.