Meant to take any wind out of any sail of any patriot.
Psychology is their method of control and they’ve had thousands upon thousands of years to perfect their craft.
We are not fighting humans. We are fighting pure evil that lies in the heart of the species that rule over us all.
It's time to isolate, regroup, and reorganize as a people. Being a pet of satanic politicians doesn't do that.
How the fuck is letting nature take its course in nog cities taking the wind out of anybody's sails. That fills my sails like Christopher fuckin' Columbus.
Well, if all of our police throw in the towel like they want them to, couldn't they install a new police force? Possibly one with global alleigence and not one who cares about the people? That would be worse, but the yews put pressure on all sides until things pop, then they get what they want.
Amazon police. ZOG global allegiance.
Let the globalhomo police come. They’ll all be diversity hires anyway and you know how worthless those are…even with top of the line equipment and funding, they’re still diversity hires in the end. No real men will be involved with that shit.
Amen brother!
Demotivation in general can spiral, but disillusion is important to discovering truth. You can be damn sure that the demotivation psyop will backfire in the end, because white people are stronger than they predict.
Join intentional communities and homeschool. Let the evil eat each other.
(post is archived)