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Her own website: https://kateaslater.com/

(post is archived)

I have a lot of blacks in my extended family, none of them have criminal records, none of them have been anything but polite to me, we even like the same kinds of music.

The only thing we don't align on (when I'm hiding my power level) is religion and politics, they are very old school orthodox catholics (worse than the pope, but considering how cucked the pope is, that's not saying much, but they also outdo the previous one as well, they pretty much shun my brother in law for being found out as a faggot in hiding, a black gay pretending to be straight, who is still ortho cath, think of a black milo yianopolous, but less effeminate and open, kinda liked hanging out with him at the wedding, I could see that he was a fag, so when it came out, I was like "called it" in my head), but the issues there are resolved by simply not discussing religion.

Politics is that they are a mix between conservative and liberal, they supported Obama and Trump (the American ones voted for both), but in both cases it was reluctant support for different reasons (they were better than all the known alternatives, but short of the ideal), they have a different take on the whole politics thing than most people, I once brought up blm, and they moved the conversation to employment rates and labor concerns, not so interested in police related matters, since this family has a lot of soldiers and police officers in it.

The grandmother matriarch doesn't think Biden won legitimately, she thinks from the black vote alone that Trump was cheated. She once told me in private on the phone that she agrees that Harris is a wanton slut who belongs on the streets.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I appreciate you sharing your experience. I accept all of that at face value.

I've been suckered in with the brown sugar thing as well. Black women can become particularly submissive if they suspect a white man is even vaguely interested in them.

I would never of course. But I can add the following, although it will be in caricature form the way a lion tamer would talk about lions. Yes, they all have their own personalities and if you raise them or are raised by them there can be a socializing capacity between the species (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IChRNbuHHWE).

Blacks have:

  • Low impulse control.

  • Low long term strategic thinking, in particular they comprehend time from other human species.

  • Are always engaged in dominance behaviour especially when young (seems to almost dissapear in the very oldest of them).

  • Fronting is present as part of a need to protect their ego.

  • We know black and white men have the sam elevels of testosterone but black men have twice as much estrogen than white men.

  • Blacks have a HIGH HIGH HIGH respect for competence. If you ever see a white kid being accepted into a group of blacks, it is because he has demonstrated a high level of competence in a PHYSICAL skill. This is at the core of the dominance behaviour, but is worth listing as a separate point.

  • They are a type of trickster species, always looking to play games and trick people to do things, but at a very low level. Where the jew is a mid level trickster in sophistication, blacks are low level tricksters namely their tricks are mostly just common lies and attempts to make other people believe something that isn't true or get away with a quick pointless hustle.

Basicaly, if I am speaking to black men that have not accepted me into their tribe, I cannot have a conversation with them. All conversations between white men and black men of different tribes are dominance and fronting conversations. I have to pay particular attention to not make a black man look stupid (especially in a group but outside a group as well) because he will usually take it as a challenge to his dominance instead of an intellectual game. The moment a black man feels, by being shown to be wrong, that his dominance has been challenged fronting behaviour is engaged at which point you have to make a decision whether or not you want to complete the fronting / dominance challenge and possibly end up in a physical confrontantion. Now, winning a fight with a black man isn't difficult, you just need to pay attention to them just going all out or feigning them backing out and swinging at you in surprise (they never square up and fight fair). Mostly though they will attempt to verbally assert dominance by what I call linguistic mangling ... a kind of a way to insult you by verbal jabbing at your masculinity and the perceive supporting structures and supporting the jabs by undeserved laughter and higher energy phsyical behaviour. Very rarely will it be a co-equal or netral party level exchange of ideas and collaborative conversation.

Black women are always involved in dominance behaviour as well, because they have to engage with black men and get the to submit to a commited situation, something that is not in a black mans nature to my expeirence. They are ALWAYS looking for opportunity outside of the relationships. White men as well, but this is at a much deeper level than in white men. However, it's harder for me to evaluate black women because I have less experience with them and they tend to hide in their submissive behaviour because I am a white male. I have had a few runins with black women in a workplace environment and they were far more aggressive than white women, but that is as far as I can go.

The reason that I am posting this is that I appreciate your humanized view of the black members of your extended family. When I was younger I used to view them with nuance as well. As I have gotten older, what I used to think of as racism or just a kind of mean sprited oversimplification of black behaviour, I now really think of them the way that lion whisperer thinks of lions. Yeah, you can sort of get accepted into the lion pride under specific circumstances, share a meal, even feel like you are friends. But, never forget that a black man always behaves differently than a white man because he is of a different species.

The way I have squared the "see people as individuals / boy aren't they nice to me" and "we are different species" is to take the position of an ambassador sent by my people to speak to a completely new people just discovered around the world. Treat them with the same respect, care and SKILL that an ambassador needs in order to not get ambushed and beheaded while giving them their space for the true nature of their species to complete its behaviour displays. Get in, get business done, get the fuck out, always have backup.

So, I appreciate your post tremendously. Thoughts on how I have ended up categorizing them vs us?

// EDIT: As a side point, I have similar categorizations now for asians, shitskins and jews as well. All at the caricature level, but, I feel highly useful when dealing with them.

// EDIT: Also, I don't want the post to read like I am telling you something you don't know or otherwise. Now that I have read it again, it reads that way, not my intention. Apologies.

It's my brother who married in, met a Jamaican girl through a dating site.

I am quite fit, and masculine, even though I am autistic, I know enough to hide parts of me that would only produce a hell of drama.

A lot of what you say is true, blacks have a higher dose if estrogen that makes them more erratic and emotional, one of the reasons trannies are dangerous is bc they are mostly male minds doped up on increased levels of estrogen, giving them some feminine mental traits, not a good combination, and it requires a very high degree of self control to conquer this mental state, which most trannies don't have, since they'd not have gone for the treatment in the first place.

Yes, I know the brains of trannies are different from cisgendered males in one specific part, but the rest of their brain remains very male.

I don't already universal statements on any group, I make statistical ones, I stay away from anything that even sounds like a generalization and try to keep to the specific numbers of individuals with specific traits within each group.

Thete are more black individuals who tend to have x characteristic, not blacks have x characteristic.

Even saying something like "blacks have wide nostrils and darker skin" isn't always true, since there are black people who are born with narrower nostrils and lighter skin than even the fairest ethnicity of white people (in the first case ots chromosomal abnormalities, in the second its mutation of pigment production, both can look weird, though some can look decent, tge ones in the first category are likely to have developmental difficulties, the second category goes blind more easily than those without the mutation), there are whites naturally born with blue skin, asians born with epithelial folds, all manner of differences could exist within these groups.

I say swans tend to be white, but can be black or gray as well. Then if pressed I can go into the exact numbers of black or gray swans, and circumstances that make black or gray swans.

It's like the bell curves, taking black and white together and comparing them, there will be blacks who ate above most whites, and whites who are below most blacks, but more whites will be above blacks than the reverse, and the absolute tips will be a white at the highest level, and a black at the lowest level.

Things are what they are, the things I'm saying is why races differ in our society and how it's not due to some institutional force, not what traits necessarily go along with being a certain race.

For that I can day it's only that they identify as that race and no other, that they are identified as that race and no other by other people, and that they share some level of genetic similarity with others who also meet the same criteria, which is more than anyone who does not.

i can somewhat agree with someone who looks pretty unmistakably black, but who has a greater degree of white in him, and identifies more with his white side and the white culture, and who calls himself primarily by his his white race.

I might even let him into the ethnostate because his phenotypically black traits are only a few mixes away from being washed out completely.

I'm very open on the subject of race, it surprises people when I'm more flexible than they are, although I'm also willing to accept more strict racial criteria, which are also scientifically justifiable systems of taxonomy and practical applications of the science of human races.

I'm more interested in how the science can affect and explain things, it can explain away the claims of white priviledge, it can help to preserve and propagate human traits which we regard positively, such as intelligence, it can dona lot of things and be very useful to us.

I'm.mainly interested in using science to find a way to give people the kind of future they most desire, science should not just be for satisfying the need for knowledge, but also should have applications that help us to achieve what we desire to do.