The critical race theorist is a product of post modernism, or nihilism, or atheism. The atheist adapts reality until it aligns with their mind set.
I am an atheist that hates niggers, jews, spics, and all other assorted substandard humans. I believe there are biological traits associated with race and ethnicity that affect intelligence, empathy, and sociability. Just because I don't believe in a magic sky man who loved us so much that he murdered all of us and knocked up a virgin so he could send his only son on a suicide mission to Earth as a token of his love doesn't mean I choose to ignore reality.
You proved my point. Your hatred of them is irrelevant, they're here now and must be dealt with. I prefer to build than destroy.
You live in a self imposed illusion. No civilization has ever been able to build anything with niggers. They are a different species of humans entirely incompatible with the white species (or all others frankly).
What you are saying is true, and at the same time, they're still here.
Just saying something doesn't make it true. Which point, exactly, did I prove, and how did I prove it?
It can't be true that atheism causes people to be feminist, race baiting niggers and then someone being an atheist that isn't those things proves it. Believing THAT, is a rejection of reality.
I'm an atheist who doesn't hate any race or ethnicity, or religion.
I recognize the differences in the prevalence of traits between groups of people, they aren't all going to be the same, but that doesn't mean one group won't have more individuals with certain traits to them than other groups.
Racism and Sexism can be explained with a deck of cards: - Take out the jokers and assign each of the faces within each suit a different value from 1 to 13 (ace is one, deuce is 2, numbers are their values,jack is 11, queen is 12, king is 13). - Shuffle the whole deck and sort them out into four hands. - Choose one of the hands and count the total value of each suit.
Are the total values of each suit going to be equal? of course not, each suit is entirely equal, but due to a somewhat randomized distribution in the shuffling, some suits are going to come out above others.
This is why even in a society where every group of people are equal, there would be inequality, all it takes is distinct groups of people, and variation within those groups, to lead to an unequitable society.
Now, imagine that some suits are not equal, there's about as much variation within these suits as in the previous example, but each suit has a different distribution of values within them, such that values that fall within a certain range are more prevalent in some suits than in others, each suit can have any value within them, but depending on the suit, they will have more values within different ranges compared to other suits.
This is how different groups can have different rates of different characteristics, despite there being members within each of these groups that could not possess the most common characteristics of their group.
I don't take offense against entire groups of people, because I acknowledge the existence of individuals within those groups that fall all over the spectrum of different characteristics, however, I will also be fully aware of the rates of characteristics that are more commonly found among the individuals in those groups compared with other groups, especially when people talk about inequalities.
Black people are a group with more individuals who are predisposed to committing crimes, not all Blacks bear this predisposition, most of them do not, but that does not change the fact that there is a larger share of Blacks that do among their group when compared to another group, Whites.
Furthermore, I can look at it another way, I can say that it's not the groups that I hate, but the specific behaviors, and that certain groups are more likely to have individuals who engage in these behaviors than others, thus it becomes a convenient shortcut to refer to these behaviors as being more expected from the groups with a larger share of individuals who engage in them, these are what sterotypes truly are.
It's not the claim "all asians drive like this" but the claim "I'm more likely to anticipate driving like this from an asian, because they have a larger share of individuals who drive that way", an asian who does not drive in such a manner does nothing to break the stereotype, because the stereotype is merely a tentative prediction based in statistical analysis, not some prophecy that Trait A must always mean Trait B, but that Trait A merely increases the probability of Trait B.
I have no issue with a jew who doesn't hate White people, and does not oppose pro-White advocacy, I have no issue with a black guy who isn't criminal and doesn't blame Whites for the hardship he or his people face (bonus points if he is a race realist), no problemo with an arab who isn't trying to convert every country to islam, or running a ring of rapists.
I have no cause to hate a member of a group which has a lot of individuals who engage in evil acts, if they themselves do not engage in them or support those who do, it's only those who commit the offenses, or those who protect those who commit them, that deserve my ire, I have no desire to punish people who merely belong to family of criminals and accomplices, it's only the criminals and accomplices that I take offense to, and even then, if they were to change their ways and work to make up for their past misdeeds, I would still be willing to set side my wrath.
I may be a monster, but I'm reasonable, and I have standards, without restraint or a sense of moral standards, we would not have civilization, I'm a pretty big fan of civilization.
The left
The left lives in denying reality, they are obsessed with the unlikely, to the point where they try to delude themselves and others into pretending that the least likely possibility is the most likely one, and that we should act like we cannot predict anything from the information we have, even in probabilistic terms.
Their whole thing is the denial of statistical realities, they claim it's out of wanting equality, but I think a lot of it is just the satisfaction of getting others to pretend that statistics don't matter, lots of them are pathological liars, who take pleasure in deceiving others just for it's own sake, and it's no surprise to me that they tend to be the kind of mentally disturbed kinds of individuals who need this form of stimulation, tricking others satisfies their inferiority complexes because they feel smart when they do it, on the inside, they know these statistical realities and feel smug when they deny recognition of them to others.
You hate irrationally and you're an atheist along with all the delusions that entails. Reality will never conform to your delusions, rather it is you and your delusions that need to conform to reality.
Reality is much bigger and stronger than any nation or country or organization. All of those things are built on the foundation of reality not the other way around.
You can see it in the liberal science the results are fudged until they agree with the hypothesis. A cowards act to be sure.
Niggers are made by their actions, the willingly ignorant. Niggardly means to be miserly, of low stock, or value, stingy. It doesn't mean black person it means nigger.
Not all atheists are faggots, but all faggots are atheists, not all black people are niggers, but all niggers are black people, and yellow people, and white people. It's just more blacks tend to be niggers. But I know Asian niggers and hispanic niggers too, and you better believe I know jewish niggers. Everyone can be a nigger, black niggers think they can appropriate a word they didn't even invent.
White people can be niggers too, do you know how rare it is to find people with actual integrity? That don't take the easy way out, but act with intent, and humility?
(post is archived)