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Her own website: https://kateaslater.com/

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 25 pts

I don't hate black people. I just hate blackness.

[–] 11 pts


[–] 5 pts

I don’t hate jews, I just hate underhanded, greedy, subversive paedophiles.

[–] 5 pts

I don't hate black people. They aren't people.

[–] 5 pts

And I also hate black people

[–] 0 pt

I dont hate blacks, I hate niggers. I dont hate Jews, I hate devil worshipers. If another race needs a white bitch to affirm for them that they are the underdog to get ahead in life, then I am going to continue to practice my supremacy over their victim mentality.

[–] 10 pts

She is simply doing what she was trained to do. It's not surprising any more. We have a TON of feminists pouring into my workplace. Few are capable of performing the task.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

The critical race theorist is a product of post modernism, or nihilism, or atheism. A normal person adapts his or her mindset to align with reality. The atheist adapts reality until it aligns with their mind set. Satanism is an inversion of reality.

Transsexuals exemplify this, they are trying to force reality to conform to their delusions, with hilarious results. A scientific person puts his delusions and ideas to the test and adapts them to reality. Sure it's more work, but it doesn't cause mental health problems.

Racism is an abstract concept, it is not reality, the marxists want you to believe abstract concepts are actual reality. That's why most people don't willingly drink the Kool aid, they realize it's bullshit. The map is not the actual territory. The map drawn by the marxist parasites is a bunch of random squiggly lines and they're forcing you to say it's a beautiful sunset or your life is ruined.

[–] 6 pts (edited )

The critical race theorist is a product of post modernism, or nihilism, or atheism. The atheist adapts reality until it aligns with their mind set.

I am an atheist that hates niggers, jews, spics, and all other assorted substandard humans. I believe there are biological traits associated with race and ethnicity that affect intelligence, empathy, and sociability. Just because I don't believe in a magic sky man who loved us so much that he murdered all of us and knocked up a virgin so he could send his only son on a suicide mission to Earth as a token of his love doesn't mean I choose to ignore reality.

[–] 1 pt

You proved my point. Your hatred of them is irrelevant, they're here now and must be dealt with. I prefer to build than destroy.

[–] 3 pts

At the core of it, it's a lack selective pressure on infants leading to an increase in mutation load throughout the generations. These people are mentally ill and maladaptive. That's why they are leading a (genetic) death cult. Lots of them don't want kids, which is great since their maladaptive genetic won't further contaminate the gene pool and society.

[–] 5 pts

That's why they push so hard to legalize and normalize their method of reproduction, which is through abuse and grooming.

[–] 1 pt

Christcuckery has contributed to this problem far, far more than atheism has.

[–] 1 pt

I can't say as I agree. Something else is going on. If you told a crusader knight during the 1100s that he was a pushover "ChristCuck" that wouldn't do anything but let invaders rule, you would loose your life on the spot.

We have underwent several generations worth of conditioning to become what we are now. Chemicals in the food and water, as well as plastics, has destroyed the bodies of our people. Jewish media has destroyed the mind.

[–] 0 pt

Whatever you say, you're absolutely right.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I just wanted to expand on what you wrote, I believe it is a bit deeper than than and the links are something along the lines of this:

crt <-- port modernism / frankfurt school <-- communism <-- jewish cultural / genetic norms around the 1700s / 1800s which includes kabbalism <-- progenitor jew priest cult obsessed with numerology and progenitor behaviours of kabbalsim

The basic idea is that jews are a separate species of human that went through a genetic funnel that select for high levels of autism, obsessive compulsive disorders and other tweaks to the normal human genome. In very ancient times they were probably a priest class that focused on ancient studies around numerology and related magical thinking. The thinking is that over time, they self selected out a large amount of genetic variance to narrow them selves down to a particular genetic featureset that accentuates certain characteristics that makes them unique in a few ways: their women are dominant / men submissive, their survival strategy is to focus on the bureauratic levels of civilizations they parasatize, high levels of autism / obsessive compulsiveness, high levels of linguistic capacity, etc.

Basically, if you read up on occultism, numerology and kabbalistic types of religious practices of ancient world, you see that the ancient world practiced occulstim, numerology and performed all kinds of magical thinking and rites including child sacrifice. These practices are all practices of a preist class, which would seem to have self selected for high levels of abstract symbolic thinking because the bureaucratic class that that time in civilization was paid to do that (read: they scamed their way into those choice positions, as they do in all parasitized civilizations).

Now, if you follow jewish migration into europe, you follow the creation of the various secrete societies like the illuminati, freemasons and many others and you read about the secret practices of jews in ancient europe including child sacrifice, what you will be reading is a group of people that once practiced occultism, numerology, sacrifices, buraucratic subterfuge bring those infections with them to europe and not only infect and create their own structures within ours, but they corrupt and con a bunch of our people into doing their bidding by creating a whole bunch secrete societies and informal clubs that parasitized members of these groups with beliefs from these ancient pre-zoroastrian civilizations.

If you follow the creation of communism and draw a through line through post modernism into feminism and modern cultural values in the west, what you are seeing is basically a single value system parasitizing our world that comes through the jews from ancient times. Communism is just the process of an external parasitic value system seeing a unified homogenous family oriented group and setting up mental traps to trick these groups into splintering and opening up so this value system can parasitize the host at the bureaucratic level. So, for example, the jews were in the inner circle of communism, they let the naiive russians do all the hard work. The jews started teh frankfurt school, they let white people do all their dirty work. A lot of jews were involved with feminism and the human rights movements of the 50s, they let the whites and blacks do the work. The jews control media and various strata of the bureaucratic class today and let the whites and others do their work.

I believe it is more useful to think of this as an ANCIENT ANCIENT fight and ONLY labeling post modernism as the source as not an effective way of understanding the problem. It is important to understand post modernism and all th eindividual pieces along the way, but it is also important to know where post modernism comes from because once you see the through line you can start thinking of it like a parasitic organism at which point we can start to do the work necessary to extract the parasite.

[–] 2 pts

Fat, cancer cells can't feed on ketones.

[–] 0 pt

The critical race theorist is a product of post modernism, or nihilism, or atheism.

Wrong. It directly comes from the theories of Marx. It's like a more advanced form of (((communist))) thinking.

[–] 0 pt

Marx is also responsible for the Frankfurt School which is commie thinking. Atheist led inversion of reality.

[–] 8 pts

From her about page ‘She is currently the Assistant Dean of Graduate Student Affairs at Brandeis University.’ https://www.brandeis.edu/ From the about page of the school ‘At it’s core, Brandeis is animated by a set of values in Jewish history and experience.’ Wow what a fucking shocker huh?

[–] 1 pt


[–] 1 pt


[–] 1 pt

Well played! I just went looking for the early life section before posting to confirm my suspicions, but going a level deeper to her school’s background is commitment to confirming the nose. I salute you!

[–] 3 pts (edited )

The first thing necessary in any debate is to define the terms. When you and your opponent have different definitions for the same terms you will end up debating two different things.

Upon trying to define terms with these lunatics it will quickly become apparent how completely detached from reality they are, and how unwilling they are to let even the tiniest shred of rationality invade their bubble. They define "systemic racism" in such a way that all differences in any measure of human achievement that have even a slight correlation with race are proof of racism. Their entire belief system is predicated on the unproven assertion that there are no measurable differences between races, ethnicities, or genders that can be attributed to biology. This comes from their fundamental belief that all people are born with precisely the same capabilities and potential, and that all differences that manifest later in life are due to nothing else but environment. In fact, you will find this demonstrably false belief guides most of their bizarre worldviews.

When you're debating them and you say "systemic racism" isn't real, they hear "all races, ethnicities, and genders score precisely the same on achievement tests, they are accepted to colleges and universities in identical proportions, they are promoted at precisely the same rates, they earn precisely the same pay, and they are arrested in equal proportions." No wonder they act like you've lost your mind. You have to understand their thinking.

The belief that all humans are born with precisely equal capabilities and potential is the bottom Jenga block in their whole belief system. That's where any successful effort to demolish their world view has to be focused.

[–] 0 pt

They define "systemic racism" in such a way that all differences in any measure of human achievement that have even a slight correlation with race are proof of racism.

You have adopted the (((SJW))) notion that "racism" is real and is a negative.

[–] 0 pt

Again, that depends on your definition. What definition of racism are you using?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Read Marcus Aurelius, “Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself? What is its nature?”

Racism is simply recognizing the realities of race.

We know this because describing any of those realities or even pointing that there are realities of race would cause an emotional reaction in both the woke and the cuck.

[–] 0 pt

yep and they will immediately deploy the Kafka trap wherein if you don’t agree with their assessment then you must be guilty of it

[–] 1 pt

Everything this woman says is 100% true and all you brainwashed Jewish cocksuckers are in denial and live in dread fear of being labeled a "racist" by your Jewish masters.

Lets break it down:

"Systemic racism" is real. It is the incompetence, indolence, intemperance, insolence, and the violent bestial nature of the nigger colliding with the rules, standards, and customs that allow White society to function resulting is failure, frustration, humiliation, and often a prison term for the nigger.

The KKK, Jim Crow, and segregation were all attempts to maintain civil society in the face of negro dysfunction and pandemonium. In addition to those large scale social institution any rule or standard that exposes the deficiency of blacks or causes them stress, like the requirement for homework or the rules of simple arithmetic, is “systemic racism”.

Blacks really are “oppressed” by White society because they don't have the biological ability to fit in or abide its the rules and standards. It no different than sending a retard to medical school and punishing him when he fucks up everyday. Its inhumane!

"Racism" is simply recognizing the nature of the nigger and dealing with it.

All White people ARE RACIST! All Whites with a functioning brain can see how niggers behave, what they look like, what they sound like, and what they smell like. Whites do react to it with social avoidance. That is “racism”

The inherent nature of Whites, also called “Whiteness”, is to produce an orderly, peaceful, and prosperous society. See the Amish or any village in Britain, France, or Germany.
That is what so called Karen's do. They are trying to create an orderly social environment.

This is in direct contradiction to the inherent nature of the nigger which can be seen in Afria, Haiti, Detroit or where they are. Even the most dedicated brainwashed SJW can see when the loud, uncouth, and violent nigger is disrupting their party, or meeting, or day in the park. It does activate the amygdala.

Its the Jewish brainwashing that cause Whites to react against their own instincts and their own best interests. Its Jewish social conditioning that make White believe that “racism” is a sin and “discrimination” heresy. It the Jews that have caused Whites to hate themselves and their own Civilization.

[–] 1 pt

You’re right, the only real issue is that racist is considered a pejorative. When you’re logical about it’s just being sensible.

[–] 1 pt

The best response is for parents to refuse to send their kids to these universities.

Or frankly any university. Teach your kid to weld and then let them decide if they want an expensive beer party with their own earnings.

[–] 0 pt

That's ok! They can put themselves into debt for life to attend!

[–] 1 pt

There no facts or statistics that back up her views because none exist.

[–] 0 pt

How do we get these kinds of people out of power? We seriously need to organize and push back against this!

[–] 0 pt

She should become : the late assistant dean

[–] 0 pt

all whites are racist.

She speaks for herself and admits she's a racist. Methinks she should be fired for being an open and admitted racist.

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