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[–] 4 pts

Not only did he send them a mango and goat flesh to test, when the tests came back positive, he kicked the World Health Organization out of Tanzania. The communist jews at the UN were fucking pissed.

[–] 4 pts

Based negro. If only a more influential country would do the same to spread the word about the hoax...

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

Yes, if only some western nation would have elected a guy who claimed to be an outsider who is going to break down the system, I don’t know, maybe “empty the bog” or something. Maybe if he could, I don’t know, actually catch the bastards red-handed spying on American citizens and lying for warrants, I can’t even imagine a scenario in which even an incompetent boob wouldn’t be able to get the job done at that point.

Oh if only!

[–] 2 pts

Western nations are finding out that unfortunately their electoral systems are rigged from A to Z, and that there's no future in simply choosing between different puppets...

[–] 0 pt

there is no such thing as a "based negro"

no exceptions

[–] 1 pt

It depends. While I still want my country to be nigger-free I can salute foreign niggers for respectable decisions from time to time

[–] 2 pts

A world-power like Tanzania certainly makes everybody nervous and should be brought to line. /sarcasm

[–] 14 pts

A country that flat out refuses jew owned pharma jabs is far far far more dangerous than building a nuclear weapon.

[–] 1 pt

Even the most greedy pharma-Jews have now more than they can chew. America and Europa just gave them a blank check and they are producing vaccines at 100% capacity. Whether a shithole country in Africa refuses the vaccine or not is completely irrelevant. The niggers are not paying for it anyway.

[–] 4 pts

Good point. But if they don't get with the program and five years down the road are the only healthy population on the continent that poses a problem for ZOG.

[–] 1 pt

The niggers are not paying for it anyway.

But the west is.

[–] 0 pt

It's not about the money. It's about power and control, and they want it ALL. Total power and control.

[–] 5 pts

Tanzania is the second most populous country in Africa, it has one of the highest GDP's on the continent, the cities are a bit more modernized than the rest of Africa. Roughly half the Tanzanian population still lives in poverty, but compared with most of the rest of Africa, it is a more advanced country with functioning market economies. It's definitely a player on the world stage.

Tanzania did not undergo a recession in 2007-2010 when the rest of the Western world did. It has strong mining and agricultural industries, modern sea ports and airports, and halfway decent internal transportation infrastructure. It's also home to jungles, savannas, and Mt. Kilimanjaro, it's a major tourist destination and one of the safest countries in Africa. It's also the number one source for Swiss chocolate.

That's why (((they))) had to take Magafuli down. He kicked the WHO out of the country and fucked up their organ harvesting and sex trafficking operations.

[–] 1 pt

Jews are mentally sick, if there is someone expressing symptoms of freedom somewhere, they get bothered to the point that they can't stop themselves from destroying it.

[–] 2 pts

Tanzania was a former German colony. Germans back then tended to question bullshit when they see it. Must have rubbed off on the blacks there.

[–] 2 pts

Regardless of the circumstances, I wouldn’t underestimate the levels of depravity a kike would lower himself to just to make an extra shekel, even if that means killing a colored gentleman who posed no threat to him.

[–] 1 pt

You know you've reached rock bottom when you get outsmarted by a nigger.

[–] 1 pt

He wasn't killed because of that stunt, it was because he promised to make Tanzania a vaccine-free safe haven....

[–] 0 pt

The goat was the one that tested positive not the president.

[–] 0 pt

Hey I wouldn't say he was goat fucker, or would I .....

[–] 0 pt

Why would anyone test fruit or other animals for any virus? Surely a papaya is genetically distinct enough, even from a nigger?

Viruses need to make massive mutations for interspecies transmission, the lysogenic, cyptopathic cycles or other means of virus replication will not be able to just attach to completely different animals randomly as they all have vastly different genetic makeup.

Viruses can infect only certain species of hosts and only certain cells within that host. For example in 2003 H5N1‐SARS like flu mutated from birds, it doesn't just immediately and randomly affect everything on the planet with completely different and unique proteins.

Some nigger kang throwing down chicken bones and proclaiming he calls the rain gods is still a 68IQ sub-human. Why would testing a papaya prove anything other than it pairs poorly in a fruit salad?

[–] 0 pt

This is some Mandela effect shit for I feel like or misremember he died shortly after exposing the hoax like a year ago

[–] 2 pts

Burundi's president died of a heart attack in June last year at 55 after failing to lock down for covid

HE muSt hAVe dIeD oF cOoOVID thEn!!!!!

  • faggots
[–] 0 pt

Does that make me one of "they look all the same" folk

[–] 0 pt

now if only that would happen in a country where the people and the rest of the world actually pay attention.

shit thing is you really dont want legends like this being taken out :(

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