Although I think back then 18 year olds were allowed to vote provided they were eligable for military service.
But Plato wouldn’t have agreed with that. His whole thing was that only the learned should vote. But that leads to the issue of who classifies as learned, and who decides that classification and thus who decides who is learned.
I think a simple enough solution would be that only those who are net contributors to the state get to vote, but it’s still one man one vote if you’re a contributor. Then if those with a vote keep voting to reduce their contributions they will keep expanding the voting pool cos more people will fall out of the net beneficiary class, but when they win the vote they’ll be more likely to vote for their gibs back so you’ll get some sort of balance.
I’m sure there’s problems with the above, but something needs to be done about parasites voting for candidates who promise them more of my money. Begging is still begging even when it’s politicised.
I don't think democracy can be fixed by restricting the vote. Even if you restrict the vote to educated, intelligent men with skin in the game, they're still going to be spending most of their time voting on issues they don't really understand.
Voluntaryism works better in my view: Political association is organised through contracts, and only applies to the property of the contractor. That way courts and legislatures are put in mutual competition and if one becomes corrupt people can switch to another. Same way we'd cancel our netflix subscription.
I must confess I just had to look up voluntaryism. It appears to just be British Chicago school yeah? That’s definitely the side of the economic argument that needs more volume these days, but I can tell you in Ireland it just isn’t welcome. I studied an economics related course in smurfit and everything was about why the Chicago school were wrong. It was comical in a way, without anybody even proposing Chicago theories the lecturers posed these absurd caricature of their theories and then showed why they were wrong. It was just the enemy argument, like communism was in years past.
(post is archived)