How is the science on sugar vs artificial sweeteners? Hard to find some real consensus.
Reads to me that you might be on the meat diet. Great input thanks!
Depends on the parameters that interest you. For me, I looked into the effects of natural artificial sweeteners on insulin response and found a good portion of them having little to no effect, like erythritol and stevia.
Beyond that, if there are other metrics people use to gauge sweetner safety then I have yet to encounter them.
One tastes like Obidens taint
Sugar is too readily available for the body to use as fuel. When it doesn't get immediately used, the body stores the excess energy in fat cells.
Artificial sweeteners are mostly chemicals that disrupt your natural responses. It's generally not healthy to put something in your body when it's not meant to be metabolized.
Personally my go-to has been monk fruit extracts or date powder for a little bit of sweetness. Naturally derived to be sweet, but very low in calories. Stevia is ok too, but they taste a bit artificial for me.
My goal is to cut out all sweet flavor and replace them with a little bit of umami or salty. That way I don't even get tempted for sweet snacks. You can only crave what you can remember.
(post is archived)