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"Republicans block House measure calling on Pence and Cabinet to remove Trump under the 25th Amendment, forcing House vote." (WaPo)

This will further delay Dem schemes to use 25th amendment to remove Trump, as well as make impeachment timeline near-impossible. Too bad.


HOUSE.🚨 "Republicans block House measure calling on Pence and Cabinet to remove Trump under the 25th Amendment, forcing House vote." (WaPo) This will further delay Dem schemes to use 25th amendment to remove Trump, as well as make impeachment timeline near-impossible. Too bad. https://twitter.com/kylenabecker/status/1348666541106208775

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 7 pts

The whole point of the Constitution is to enumerate rights that can NOT be taken away and our guns are there to make sure they can't.

Fuck the left, if they want to get violent and are met with gunfire in self defense, so be it.

If the cops object give them some too.

[–] 1 pt

There is nothing that the feds fear more than an armed uprising because we out number the, 1000 to 1.

Anyone ever notice how the feds always say if we have guns its going to be a bloodbath, but it's perfectly ok for them to have guns? Can't have it both ways.

[–] 5 pts

The FBI has “received information about an identified armed group intending to travel to Washington, DC on 16 January.

Probably because the group is comprised of FBI agents.

[–] 5 pts

If by FBI you mean FuckinBuncha' Israelis....

Then yoir probly correct

Full on bag of bullshit fed to the communism bullhorn media by that coon cunt D.C mayor.

[–] 2 pts

Cohen Act is coming.

[–] 2 pts

If Biden gets in those rights will be taken away anyway. They will not need an excuse to disarm the public. Their anti American, anti constitution stances are out in the open. They have had a 4 year delay, and they need to make up for it.

[–] 0 pt

They have had a 4 year delay, and they need to make up for it.

What are you talking about? Trump didn't delay anything. He led us right into "forever corona world". He surrounded himself and empowered people who are raping the country- that means he's either fucking stupid for appointing obvious traitors or taking the advice of obvious medical tyrants, or he's just been one of them all along.

And his wearing a blue tie in his little "go home peacefully, you wimps" speech has me thinking "he's been one of them all along, and he used his acting skills (never forget, the man is an actor) to fool conservative folks."

Really, looking back... Trump was a lifelong democrat, donating millions of dollars to them throughout his life. He's an NYC real estate tycoon, born into massive wealth. And this was meant to be your savior?

What we missed- Trump portrayed himself in a blue collar way, and he spoke in a way that appealed to blue collars. But that fucker never had a drop of sweat leak from his pores while doing hard work in his entire life. How can he relate to working-class people? He's a NYC RINO. This is about as far away from "conservative" as you can get.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

1) the swap is so deep there wasn't anyone else to choose from, and he thought he was getting white hats. Or 2) he is shitty at picking people, which is why he is good at firing them Or 3) keep your enemies close so you can expose them Or 4) he is one of them and this is all a show Or 5) its a movie and the bad actors are playing their roles brilliantly.

The conclusion to this is a few days away.

I do not know what the answer is, but I have another few weeks of hopium left.

I have been trying to look at it from the honest dem side + the Q side. There are a lot of things that do not make sense for the honest dem camp, like the impeachment against a pres who is leaving in 9 days, the blackouts, the Twitter ban,, the parlor deplatforming, the clone Biden, and other clues. It gives me additional hopium.

[–] 0 pt

The conclusion to this is a few days away.

You Q crowd have been saying exactly that for almost six fucking years now. The goalposts have been moved so far, they have circumvented the planet (twice) and are now only "a few days away" again?

I've said this before, but most of you seem like the type to be thinking "we'll know for sure whether communist jews have taken over my country in just a few days" as you're being tied to a post for a fucking firing squad.

The Q cult KILLED Ashley Babbit by fueling her up with hopium, and turning her loose. Look into her eyes as she's being taken away on the stretcher. She's looking into the camera, likely thinking "Trump/Q will save me, any moment now" as she's bleeding to death. What do you think she was hoping for after she got through the window and removed the barricade? To go get a selfie with Trump? She certainly didn't seem to have any plan outside of "do what anonymous person who speaks in cryptic riddles on internet says", and now she's fucking dead.

I expect this level of naiveté from teenagers. Babbit was what, in her 40s?

[–] 0 pt

They have had a 4 year delay, and they need to make up for it


[–] -1 pt

Basically there will be no Constitutional protections at all.

[–] 1 pt

The constitution doesn't protect us. It protects them.

Things will get really fun when it's gone.

[–] 1 pt

Not if those guns get used.

they stole an election if you don't start shooting you are fucked

[–] 0 pt

could just be more hopium, to make us sit back and do more nothing while nothing happens.

[–] 1 pt

Reminder: 24 members of the "black panther" party stormed the capitol building in the late 1960s. They were all carrying rifles and wearing various combat gear.

And they fucking TOOK the building, made some demands, got what they wanted, and left. No shots fired, just a bunch of scared jew politicians desperate to placate the angry people holding rifles.

And you wimps... your oppressors tell you "Do not come near us with guns!", and you fucking obey your tyrant's orders!?

[–] 1 pt

They are going to try and take our guns no matter what we do. The only option we have is to either fight back or don't.

[–] 1 pt

I keep saying that we lack leadership. 1776 and the Civil War had the state/colonial leadership leading things.

Any type of lone hero bullshit will get us nowhere.

Avoid all this shite. Be like Paulie in the movie "Goodfellas".

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