Modifying the solar radiation exchange of the earth or clouds, through the release of gases, dusts, liquids, or aerosols into the atmosphere;
'That's Aerosol dispersants, you bigot !!'
Modifying the solar radiation exchange of the earth or clouds, through the release of gases, dusts, liquids, or aerosols into the atmosphere;
'That's Aerosol dispersants, you bigot !!'
Its pretty much official nowadays i heard it being said on the radio news that its called clouding.. HOLY FUCK my god they are so blatant on the same wiki page ( yeah i know jewpedia) on the same page they talk about "clouding" and how its been a thing since the 50's they link to chemtrail the conspiracy. This is translated from the swedish wiki page about "Molnsådd" literally cloud seeding.
"Cloud seeding means that by spreading chemical substances in the air, one tries to influence the microphysical processes in a cloud. The purpose is to cause the cloud to release precipitation to increase the amount of precipitation in one area and/or decrease it in another area.
One of the most common methods is spreading coal ash. Aluminum oxide is also often present. These are spread from aircraft, drones, missiles or balloons of the type used as a weather balloon. In the past, the substance silver iodide was used, which was spread from airplanes.
Successful experiments have been done since 1946 with weather modification through cloud seeding, so that, for example, rain or snow weather occurs or hail is counteracted. The experiments have been particularly common in areas experiencing drought or extensive agricultural damage from hail, but have decreased in scale in recent years.[1] The experiments are done by dropping dry ice or silver iodide, generally from smaller aircraft, but jet aircraft have also occurred. The damage caused by hail to agriculture has been reduced in France (since the 1950s) and Spain. Small-scale commercial services are offered in, for example, the United States for local weather modification. Government trials of cloud seeding are being conducted at the national level in Australia (since the 1960s), Mali and Niger.[2][3] The authorities in China have been conducting cloud seeding since the 1960s, among other things to prevent rain in connection with the Olympics in China.
The Soviet Air Force successfully seeded clouds over Belarus two days after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster to remove radioactive particles from clouds headed for Moscow. This prevented radioactive rain from falling over Moscow and other densely populated areas, but caused greatly increased radioactivity over Belarus, where dark raindrops could be observed. Moscow has denied the incident, but in the 21st century details of the incident have been revealed by researchers and acknowledged by one of the pilots, who has been rewarded for his involvement"
Yep, i recall posts on OG Voat and other places years ago of French company advertising cloud seeding et al online - to provide a clear sunny/ cloudless day for weddings etc - required 2-3 weeks to study local weather pattern and then disperse 'weather modification technologies' from purpose outfitted aircraft - cost was $10-30 000 Euro or something, came with a money back guarantee , lol. Another was a Japanese company advertising meteor showers starting at $100 000. This was 10 or more years ago. Plus Saudi arabia do it to create localized snow showers just for shits and giggles.
Omg the belarus episode... Well, that's bad, don't expect the locals to appreciate, that's like your neighbor trashing your lawn, but 10000x worse
The fun thing is that its illegal by UN to do it in war but not outside of war.
The entire climate modification scheme is bordering on crime against humanity when you think about it, because maybe few exceptions aside, most of the time it's done at the expense of another location/population... You sort of steal their rain water... And that's without mentioning "cloud seeding" malevolence, like you do it on purpose to provoke droughts after droughts
"Altering the weather" and not to the benefit of the us. It could be so much different
Then turn down the thermostat. It fuggin hot
(post is archived)