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[–] 0 pt

I dont want a thing. I simply point out the stupidity in fostering the belief that there were Mary's, Luke's, Pauls, Johns, et al, running around the fertile crescent a few millenia ago.

Seems to me if your diety has a name, maybe it would be considered disrespectful to change it for no particularly valid reason other than the political maneuverings of a powerbroker church.

Fun fact. Lucifer isn't a proper name, and was never referenced as the devil either...

Shit gets all fucked up when words dont mean a damned thing and names are whatever we want them to be. What else has been changed?

[–] 0 pt

No your right that's the issue. It's super easy to constantly pressure man to deceive and create falsehoods. Man is weak especially now that most homes the woman as a bigger role emasualting the man to a half partner and not king.

fostering the belief

Nobody believes that. In addition to this strawman, you have failed to make a case for what the truth is.

Should we call him iesous or yeshua?

[–] 0 pt

Literally everyone believed that, dipshit. Just because you don't personally believe it now doesn't mean hundreds of generations before are in agreement with you. There is no possible strawman, you fucking chode. Strawman, defined as an intentionally misrepresented proposition set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's actual argument. I'm saying those who worship the being as god should care what his fucking name is. Seems respectful, no? On that topic, since no one believes in the Mary and Luke and Peter monikers, what are the apostles names? The entirety of my point was that it seems disrespectful of an adherent to use a nickname for a being whose actual name was known.
Call your Horus analog whatever you please... I've heard he's a pretty forgiving guy.

He has many names and titles. I just don't see why I should refer to him in anything other than my lengua materna.

Was just talking to a spanish speaking couple. They thought the author of the book that comes after "Hebrews" in the NT is "Santiago." And that's fine, it's a tradition. Like us calling him James. But the Greek (iakobos) would be better transliterated as Jacob.

Your straw man (cope harder) assumes that people don't realize English came about much later??