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When I was 12 my school handed out small Gideon Bibles that had a daily reading schedule, so that over the course of two years, you'd have read the whole NT. I read it twice. Got nothing from it. Fast forward 40 years, and the knocks and scrapes of life, and here I am - thoroughly disillusioned with the world (boo-hoo, woe is me lol).

So I bought a leather bound KJV red letter edition (Jesus's words are printed in red) and I am reading Matthew then will read Mark, Luke and John. With what I have learned through living, the Word is beginning to make sense. My impression is that Jesus is no softy - he rebukes and remonstrates, criticises and condemns, but at last I am starting to see the light of Christ.

It seems to me that by taking my fill of what this world has to offer - and being sickened with it and finally pouring it away - my cup is empty and ready to be filled with the love of the living Christ. At 12 I was not receptive. My mind was occupied with worldly things. At 52 I stand ready to reject this devilish world and surrender. Well, almost. It's not easy but I'm making a start.

When I was 12 my school handed out small Gideon Bibles that had a daily reading schedule, so that over the course of two years, you'd have read the whole NT. I read it twice. Got nothing from it. Fast forward 40 years, and the knocks and scrapes of life, and here I am - thoroughly disillusioned with the world (boo-hoo, woe is me lol). So I bought a leather bound KJV red letter edition (Jesus's words are printed in red) and I am reading Matthew then will read Mark, Luke and John. With what I have learned through living, the Word is beginning to make sense. My impression is that Jesus is no softy - he rebukes and remonstrates, criticises and condemns, but at last I am starting to see the light of Christ. It seems to me that by taking my fill of what this world has to offer - and being sickened with it and finally pouring it away - my cup is empty and ready to be filled with the love of the living Christ. At 12 I was not receptive. My mind was occupied with worldly things. At 52 I stand ready to reject this devilish world and surrender. Well, almost. It's not easy but I'm making a start.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Yikes. So Jesus comes with a sword? He doesn't just preach love and compassion; He comes to vanquish the dark forces.

[–] 2 pts

Satan was cast down to earth to rule. Jesus has come to earth not to bring peace, but to wage war against satan.

Once you understand that Christians are the soldiers sent to the kingdom of satan to wage war, you’ll understand the world much better.

The kingdom of God is Heaven.

Also explains all the suffering and answers the question as to why there is so much suffering on earth. Makes more sense if you first understand earth to be the kingdom of satan.

This is confirmed many times, but the story of Legion is very clear IMO.

[–] 1 pt

Cross reference that part with Luke and you’ll see it also says division. That’s what a sword does, it divides things. When the world starts talking about unifying, one brotherly fraternity, one religion, one government, one with the earth etc. just know that Jesus wants the faithful to be separate. There is to be division from the world.

[–] 0 pt

The sword that is referred to is the Word of God. Jesus never taught violence and opposed it many times. He tells us to love our enemies and do good to those that hurt you, bless those that curse you (Matthew 5:44), as well as, turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:39). For we wrestle not against the flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness in this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). I can cite many scriptures to verify this, but I will allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in all wisdom and understanding.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

> Jesus never taught violence and opposed it many times.

Except of course when he initiated physical violence against the money changers, which isn't exactly just self defense and goes quite against the non aggression principle...


>So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.

Start overturning merchants tables in a middle eastern market, what are you likely getting into?


That's right a fucking brawl

It's one man VS a couple of others, IMO it went quite physical that day in order to throw them all out of that place. Some resistance is to be expected, you're messing with a couple of men's business here... There's money on the tables...

[–] 0 pt

He used the "whip" to drive out the animals. Nowhere does it state He used it on people. Be careful twisting scripture to deceive others and babes in the faith to suit the purposes of darkness. These are called doctrines of demons and only serve to confuse and tarnish the work of Jesus Christ.