serves him well because i was threatened on his forums with a ban for bad spelling/grammar
and i think the issue made them mad is that i was not sold in to the whole christian orthodox branch of christianity.
they call protestants who try to follow christ and the bible "heretics" sounds familiar?
also he treated his forums as a "club" let that sink in
Roosh is a douche.
i used to watch his videos and read his blogs but man that's no way to treat your supporters, threating me with a ban, no fuck you!
if i was impolite or submitted something offensive then that threat would have been justified but i never did anything to make anybody uncomfortable there
i'm not that kind of person. period. hey i was even making contributions to his fucking forum and even then i was restricted to certain places. again, fuck you!
Anyone whom claims to be a thought leader but does not allow scrutiny, is a basic bitch with no original thought to offer.
(post is archived)