@{{u_5fb2fdc3fb0bfc17650da58c}Terry Widman} Here's my plan.
We need fake marxists to start getting into positions of power and influence. Yes it's REALLY late but why just roll over? Get them planted.
In the mean time, we must employ civil unrest of our own now. This is heavy shit. This is liberty, or communism. Make no mistake. We need to put pressure on media and government. Intense pressure. And if the feds try anything crazy, remember Bundy Ranch. Personally, I oppose harassing private citizens just trying to go about life. Let's not be BLM. We can have more discretion in who we incovenience.
Oppose cultural marxism in academia by rallies and demonstrations. These should aim to somehow cost universities money.
Do NOT cooperate with the feds, period. You have a right to silence. Use it.
We need to appeal to our state governments to resist Biden's coup. Many already planned to resist 2A violations. Missouri already resists Agenda 21.
Grow alternate media by using it. Hurt commie media by deleting it.
Support small businesses in every way you can. Take money out of the pockets of large corporations that back stabbed us.
Be self sufficient. THEIR world needs your money. Seek every avenue to withhold it from them.
Litigate everything. Lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits. Whites and males will be discriminated against (CRT). They will be subjected to hostile work and learning environments (CRT). File EO complaints. File lawsuits. Help fund each other's litigation. While litigation goes on against woke schools and businesses, DIRECT ACTION takes place as well.
(post is archived)