Fuck you BITCH!!! Come get me!!!
Rolls off the tongue better than 'ex girlfriend'.
When they start making laws that literally make it illegal to "demean" people as in this law, it's HIGH TIME to start watering that famous Tree of Liberty.
Literally what the fuck
Hearing scheduled for 10/22/2019 from 01:00 PM-05:00 PM in A-1 & A-2
One of the sponsors of said bill: https://malegislature.gov/Legislators/Profile/djh1/191/Cosponsor
I can't find any other sponsors of the bill atm. Would be interested to know who was pushing this. The letter of they law says you cannot even use the word "bitch" to annoy someone. This is so totally fucked holy shit.
In other news, Massachusetts also just realized they could just pass a law so they don't need warrants ever.
(post is archived)