Church Militant ( (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account ( or simply make a donation ( Feel free to contact Church Militant ( with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex (
What an honor!
The news about that FBI dossier talking about faithful Catholics being terror threats and naming Church Militant is like the gift that keeps on giving. The other day, a reporter here in Michigan called and asked to interview me on the subject of Christian nationalism, which I agreed to.
He said he was trying to better understand what Christian nationalism is, and since I had been interviewed earlier on the subject, he wanted to get inside my head and learn about it. Of course, all this talk about Church Militant, as well as others, being domestic White terrorist nationalist extremist Christians (there, did I cover every permutation possible?) is completely insane.
These adjectives are thrown around in every possible combination you can think of: White terrorists, extremist nationalists, domestic Christians and a hundred other combos. What it shows, more than any threat, is just how idiotic and propagandist the people conflating all these things are.
If you take those six adjectives — Christian, terrorist, extreme, White, domestic and nationalist — and arrange them in varying combos, you get the entire, crazy world of the leftists trying to label Christians, especially Catholics, as a threat to the established order: enemies of the State. And the combination can be whatever combo a given outlet or government agency wants it to be because, in the end, for them and multiple media allies, all that matters is that we are somehow portrayed as dangerous or violent.
Nevermind it's not Catholics lopping the heads off hundreds of statues of saints across the country or defacing our own parishes with graffiti and sometimes setting them on fire or attacking pro-life pregnancy centers. What matters is that we are the enemy — period.
And if they can't find an actual crime, like with the case of pro-life dad Mark Houck, then they'll just scramble the adjective list around and come up with a fresh label. When the reporter asked me what Christian nationalism is, I told him,
A view of the nation and culture rooted in the Christian belief that all men are created equal and possess a certain dignity because they are created in the image and likeness of God. From that truth flows how laws should be constructed, how politics should be conducted and how the natural moral law should be the basis for the governing of human affairs.
He said, "Well, why does it have to be Christian? Why can't it be Hindu or Islamic?"
I said,
Because neither of those belief systems subscribes to the natural moral law or the foundational truth that we are all made in the image and likeness of God and, therefore, cannot be treated with less dignity. Islam doesn't treat its women with the deserved dignity of being made in the image and likeness of God, and Hinduism has a caste system where those on the bottom are viewed as practically less than human and, we might add, treated accordingly in law.
He appeared to have gotten that notion but then moved on to the question of nationalism, saying, "Why would a nation have to be governed by Christian principles?"
I replied,
Because it is Christian, specifically Catholic, teaching that recognizes natural moral law as originating from God as the standard in how we should relate to each other. We don't kill children in the womb, we don't subject the poor, we don't mutilate our children, we don't treat perverse sex as something protected in law and so on. We don't take away people's rights and means to defend their lives and property as well as the lives of others.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here:
Please consider Church Militant Evening News ( for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.
> *[Church Militant]( (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.* If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a [Church Militant Premium account]( or simply [make a donation]( Feel free to [contact Church Militant]( with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's [*Vortex*](
> > **What an honor!**
> > The news about that FBI dossier talking about faithful Catholics being terror threats and naming Church Militant is like the gift that keeps on giving. The other day, a reporter here in Michigan called and asked to interview me on the subject of Christian nationalism, which I agreed to.
> > He said he was trying to better understand what Christian nationalism is, and since I had been interviewed earlier on the subject, he wanted to get inside my head and learn about it. Of course, all this talk about Church Militant, as well as others, being domestic White terrorist nationalist extremist Christians (there, did I cover every permutation possible?) is completely insane.
> > These adjectives are thrown around in every possible combination you can think of: White terrorists, extremist nationalists, domestic Christians and a hundred other combos. What it shows, more than any threat, is just how idiotic and propagandist the people conflating all these things are.
> > If you take those six adjectives — Christian, terrorist, extreme, White, domestic and nationalist — and arrange them in varying combos, you get the entire, crazy world of the leftists trying to label Christians, especially Catholics, as a threat to the established order: enemies of the State. And the combination can be whatever combo a given outlet or government agency wants it to be because, in the end, for them and multiple media allies, all that matters is that we are somehow portrayed as dangerous or violent.
> > Nevermind it's not Catholics lopping the heads off hundreds of statues of saints across the country or defacing our own parishes with graffiti and sometimes setting them on fire or attacking pro-life pregnancy centers. What matters is that we are the enemy — period.
> > And if they can't find an actual crime, like with the case of pro-life dad Mark Houck, then they'll just scramble the adjective list around and come up with a fresh label. When the reporter asked me what Christian nationalism is, I told him,
> > > A view of the nation and culture rooted in the Christian belief that **all men are created equal and possess a certain dignity because they are created in the image and likeness of God.** From that truth flows how laws should be constructed, how politics should be conducted and how **the natural moral law should be the basis for the governing of human affairs.**
> > He said, "Well, why does it have to be Christian? Why can't it be Hindu or Islamic?"
> > I said,
> > > Because neither of those belief systems subscribes to the natural moral law or the foundational truth that we are all made in the image and likeness of God and, therefore, cannot be treated with less dignity. Islam doesn't treat its women with the deserved dignity of being made in the image and likeness of God, and Hinduism has a caste system where those on the bottom are viewed as practically less than human and, we might add, treated accordingly in law.
> > He appeared to have gotten that notion but then moved on to the question of nationalism, saying, "Why would a nation have to be governed by Christian principles?"
> > I replied,
> > > Because it is Christian, specifically Catholic, teaching that recognizes natural moral law as originating from God as the standard in how we should relate to each other. We don't kill children in the womb, we don't subject the poor, we don't mutilate our children, we don't treat perverse sex as something protected in law and so on. We don't take away people's rights and means to defend their lives and property as well as the lives of others.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here:
> Please consider [Church Militant Evening News]( for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.
(post is archived)