Church Militant ( (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account ( or simply make a donation ( Feel free to contact Church Militant ( with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex (
Isn't really Jesus at all.
Have you noticed the virtual flood of "Jesus" messaging going on these days almost everywhere? And you can bet that Satan loves every bit of it because none of it presents authentic Jesus — none of it. For example, the "He Gets Us" outfit is spending a billion dollars, including on the Super Bowl, to explain to us how Jesus "gets us" — like followers of Christ don't already know that.
Likewise, the streaming smash hit The Chosen, an ecumenical offering. Always beware that word, "ecumenical," when it comes to a mass audience. It really means "watered down so as few people object or are offended as possible," completely sidestepping the reality that the authentic Jesus is offensive. The Gospels go out of their way to inform us of that.
Then there's Franklin Graham, son of the late Rev. Billy Graham, who is also pounding the pulpit about the need for Jesus back in American life. "We Need More Pro-Life Christians Back in Office," the tweet ( says. Does that include so-called Christians who, on the one hand, claim to be followers of Christ, while, on the other hand, accept divorce and remarriage as well as contraception?
Then, of course, there was the very popular fad "What Would Jesus Do?" memorialized in rubber wristbands and T-shirts for a number of years. In short, "Jesus" makes a comeback every few years or so in American culture, and yet, somehow, American culture such as it is keeps getting worse. How is that possible?
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All "The Chosen" Christ does is make an appeal to your emotions. And that's why you see nothing in these historical trends except emotional responses. There is no appeal to the intellect. No appeal to meditate on the divine truths, to plumb the mysteries of God, to completely change one's life and thinking and orientation.
Saint Paul says, by way of warning, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever." (Hebrews 13:8) ( Just because a soul possesses goodwill does not mean that soul cannot be duped, nor does it mean it will be saved. Almost nothing worthwhile on earth comes without pain and sacrifice. Usually, comfort and "feeling good" don't even enter into the equation in the day-to-day.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here:
Please consider Church Militant Evening News ( for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.
> *[Church Militant]( (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.* If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a [Church Militant Premium account]( or simply [make a donation]( Feel free to [contact Church Militant]( with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's [*Vortex*](
> > **Isn't really Jesus at all.**
> > Have you noticed the virtual flood of "Jesus" messaging going on these days almost everywhere? And you can bet that Satan loves every bit of it because none of it presents authentic Jesus — none of it. For example, the "He Gets Us" outfit is spending a billion dollars, including on the Super Bowl, to explain to us how Jesus "gets us" — like followers of Christ don't already know that.
> > Likewise, the streaming smash hit *The Chosen*, an ecumenical offering. Always beware that word, "ecumenical," when it comes to a mass audience. It really means "watered down so as few people object or are offended as possible," completely sidestepping the reality that the authentic Jesus is offensive. The Gospels go out of their way to inform us of that.
> > Then there's Franklin Graham, son of the late Rev. Billy Graham, who is also pounding the pulpit about the need for Jesus back in American life. "We Need More Pro-Life Christians Back in Office," the [tweet]( says. Does that include so-called Christians who, on the one hand, claim to be followers of Christ, while, on the other hand, accept divorce and remarriage as well as contraception?
> > Then, of course, there was the very popular fad "What Would Jesus Do?" memorialized in rubber wristbands and T-shirts for a number of years. In short, "Jesus" makes a comeback every few years or so in American culture, and yet, somehow, American culture such as it is keeps getting worse. How is that possible?
> > [...](
> > All *"The Chosen"* Christ does is make an appeal to your emotions. And that's why you see nothing in these historical trends except emotional responses. There is no appeal to the intellect. No appeal to meditate on the divine truths, to plumb the mysteries of God, to completely change one's life and thinking and orientation.
> > Saint Paul says, by way of warning, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever." [(Hebrews 13:8)]( Just because a soul possesses goodwill does not mean that soul cannot be duped, nor does it mean it will be saved. Almost nothing worthwhile on earth comes without pain and sacrifice. Usually, comfort and "feeling good" don't even enter into the equation in the day-to-day.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here:
> Please consider [Church Militant Evening News]( for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.
(post is archived)