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Church Militant (churchmilitantaction.org) (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account (churchmilitant.com) or simply make a donation (churchmilitant.com). Feel free to contact Church Militant (churchmilitant.com) with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex (youtube.com)...

For way too long.

As confusion in the Church mounts and piles up and proliferates and multiplies, one major reason is because there are never any real consequences for those who add to the confusion. For decades now, Rome has refused to denounce all of this in any meaningful way.

Sure, every now and then something is declared bad or not to be done or whatever, but then there is virtually no enforcement, and that's when something is actually even said — few words, even fewer actions. And it doesn't matter if we're talking about heresy or schism; Rome actually does very little.

James Martin is given just as much of a wide berth as the schismatic SSPX. At least the SSPX has been declared in schism and/or lacking any canonical standing by the last three popes. Martin, on the other hand, gets virtually no verbal condemnation.

But neither Martin nor the schismatics ever actually get disciplined; nothing ever happens to them. In short, they never feel the consequences of their assaults against the Church. And make no mistake here — they are assaults. Assaults of a different kind, sure, but assaults nonetheless.

There are, after all, two keys: one for teaching, the other for jurisdiction. Martin attacks one key, schismatics the other. And this lack of actual discipline stretches back quite a number of decades. Homosexuality in the seminaries was condemned by then-Cdl. Ratzinger, but nothing was ever really done about it.

Likewise, the movement begun by Abp. Marcel Lefebvre was declared schismatic at its inception by Pope John Paul, and Lefebvre was excommunicated. But again, nothing — or perhaps better stated, not enough — was done. And from a practical point of view, both heretics and schismatics get to claim the same mantle of defense: "Rome has not canceled us."?

Not being punished is not an endorsement, a blessing of the Church. It's just yet another example of the woeful administration by the hierarchy of bringing discipline to the most errant sons of the Church. Somewhere, a few generations ago, Rome lost practically all taste for discipline, and the result has been chaos.

Primary Video source and transcript continues here: https://www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vort-letting-things-go-on

Please consider Church Militant Evening News (churchmilitant.com) for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.

> *[Church Militant](https://www.churchmilitantaction.org/) (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.* If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a [Church Militant Premium account](https://www.churchmilitant.com/gopremium) or simply [make a donation](https://www.churchmilitant.com/donate). Feel free to [contact Church Militant](https://www.churchmilitant.com/contact) with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's [*Vortex*](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL91feG5gFxM80FB-x7ZBqmNbz3c7Mk0p8)... > > **For way too long.** > > As confusion in the Church mounts and piles up and proliferates and multiplies, one major reason is because there are never any real consequences for those who add to the confusion. For decades now, Rome has refused to denounce all of this in any meaningful way. > > Sure, every now and then something is declared bad or not to be done or whatever, but then there is virtually no enforcement, and that's when something is actually even said — few words, even fewer actions. And it doesn't matter if we're talking about heresy or schism; Rome actually does very little. > > James Martin is given just as much of a wide berth as the schismatic SSPX. At least the SSPX has been declared in schism and/or lacking any canonical standing by the last three popes. Martin, on the other hand, gets virtually no verbal condemnation. > > But neither Martin nor the schismatics ever actually get disciplined; nothing ever happens to them. In short, they never feel the consequences of their assaults against the Church. And make no mistake here — they are assaults. Assaults of a different kind, sure, but assaults nonetheless. > > There are, after all, two keys: one for teaching, the other for jurisdiction. Martin attacks one key, schismatics the other. And this lack of actual discipline stretches back quite a number of decades. Homosexuality in the seminaries was condemned by then-Cdl. Ratzinger, but nothing was ever really done about it. > > Likewise, the movement begun by Abp. Marcel Lefebvre was declared schismatic at its inception by Pope John Paul, and Lefebvre was excommunicated. But again, nothing — or perhaps better stated, not enough — was done. And from a practical point of view, both **heretics and schismatics get to claim the same mantle of defense: "Rome has not canceled us."?** > > Not being punished is not an endorsement, a blessing of the Church. It's just yet another example of the woeful administration by the hierarchy of bringing discipline to the most errant sons of the Church. Somewhere, a few generations ago, Rome lost practically all taste for discipline, and the result has been chaos. Primary Video source and transcript continues here: https://www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vort-letting-things-go-on > Please consider [Church Militant Evening News](https://www.churchmilitant.com/video/archive/evening-news) for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.

(post is archived)