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Talk about weird!
Open borders. Closed borders. It truly is a grab bag when it comes to the question of immigration — legal and especially illegal. Let's begin with China, which recently announced that it's become much more "family friendly." Since the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, China became extremely violent toward the idea of children, instituting its savage one-child policy along with forced abortion as the enforcement mechanism.
Sidebar — Joe Biden, the "devout Catholic," never had a problem with that and was instrumental in gaining the Chinese the much-coveted "most-favored-nation trade status" during his time in the U.S. Senate.
Over the ensuing decades, the Chinese communists relented somewhat, occasionally rolling back some aspects of the one-child, forced-abortion policy. But as the decades wore on, the commies in charge realized that killing your future generations didn't make for good long-term prosperity.
So this year, in a complete about-face, the child-killing commies in Beijing are now encouraging couples to have babies and are even talking about expanding child health care. Who'd have thought even a few years ago that commies in China would understand how bad abortion is before American political leaders?
The whole murderous mindset began back in the mid- to late-'70s as the myth of overpopulation was becoming entrenched around the world. The Chinese communist solution to poverty was simply to kill the poor, much like American foreign policy has been since Obama and now on steroids under Biden.
But when the economic toll of killing off your future generations begins to be realized — well, emergency overdrive measures are deployed. All of a sudden, in countries around the world, governments are pro-child in an effort to increase their populations — imagine that.
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Let's start with the second one first. Catholics number about 62 million in the United States, according to the bishops, which translates to about one in five Americans. That roughly 21% number means it's the largest single religion in the country.
But if you suck out roughly seven million from that total because they are not actual citizens, the overall percentage drops to just 16%. The conclusion of the math here is very easy. Illegal immigration is keeping the bishops' numbers artificially high. The real percentage is something much lower than the statistics being published.
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