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And by this, you will know them.
Advent has arrived once again, and with its arrival, the twisted theology of the "homoheretics" is in full bloom as well, never missing an opportunity to make the sinful acceptable.
James Martin, a "gay theology" priest of the gay-riddled Jesuits, has kicked the season off quite well. And, as usual, expect no recrimination from any bishop or superior, not even a word of caution to the laity.
On Sunday, Martin tweeted out the following: "Gospel: Something new is coming. That's the message for the First Sunday of Advent. The key is noticing. 'Stay awake,' as Jesus says today. "A Gospel meditation here."
Martin claims the message for Advent is noticing that "something new is coming." He calls that noticing key. That's stupid. That's not the message, nor is it what's key about the first Sunday of Advent or any of the Sundays of Advent. Advent is about the second coming of Christ, also known as the Day of Judgment.
The inane claim that we are all supposed to just stand around and notice the King-Judge of Heaven returning to bring history to a close and render our final judgment? Come on, Jimmy. I don't think anyone will have to try and notice Christ on the clouds of Heaven. It'll be pretty obvious.
Then he goes on and links his hundreds of thousands of deceived followers to a Facebook link, with a tidy little "meditation" to ponder. The drivel drives the reader into a false belief that Advent is really just all about desire.
No, Jimmy. Advent is about preparation for our deaths when we will each face our personal judgment and be pronounced saved or damned. That is a day-to-day theme for every person, but in Advent, in particular, it is set against the backdrop of the last day, the general judgment.
There is a little link at the end of the wildly misleading meditation which takes the reader to the group "Outreach," an LGBTQ "Catholic" resource. That group espouses all the usual pro-sodomy propaganda you would imagine, dressing it up as Catholic.
Martin and his co-gay, wicked allies are the absolute masters at distorting everything they can in Scripture, to give the "Good Housekeeping" seal of approval to sins of the flesh, especially gay sex. Of course, they have a dog in that fight, so that's to be expected.
Notice that Evil Jimmy, while lauding the "beauty" of the first reading from Isaiah and distorting the words of Our Lord in the gospel, deftly managed to completely avoid the second reading — St. Paul's Letter to the Romans, with its dire warning about the need to change our lives, lest we be damned:
"Let us then throw off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light; let us conduct ourselves properly as in the day, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in promiscuity and lust. ... Make no provision for the desires of the flesh." Hmm, we wonder why that line didn't get the high-profile visibility.
Nah. Actually, we don't wonder at all. We know why, and so do you, and so does James Martin. That line is as plain as the evil in Martin's writings, which is to say, as plain as the nose on your face.
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