Church Militant ( (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account ( or simply make a donation ( Feel free to contact Church Militant ( with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...
Not even close.
With the horrific images from Washington, D.C., earlier this week, the whole world can now see the extent of the evil foisted on it by the combination of the Democratic Party and the U.S. bishops.
The United States is the abortion capital of the world when you factor in the foreign policy angle, meaning Democrats and RINO Republicans tie foreign aid aimed at poor nations to their acceptance of abortion and contraception. In their view, the best way to eliminate poverty is to just kill the poor.
All of this raises the legitimate and long-overdue question, How is being a Democrat any different from being a member of the Nazi Party? In truth, the Nazis could only dream of such evil and atrocities and killing.
Democrats, many of them fake Catholics that cowardly bishops have refused to deal with (lest their own crimes be revealed by their child-killing counterparts), have the blood of tens of millions on their hands. In fact, the Nazis actually look tame standing next to this rot.
Yes, Hell does have chambers for the truly evil — where the well-deserved torture and everlasting agony will be more intense and severe. The Democrats, each and every one, need to be expelled from the Church, excommunicated; and any bishop who does not comply needs to be treated the same way.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here:
Please consider Church Militant Evening News ( for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.
> *[Church Militant]( (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.* If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a [Church Militant Premium account]( or simply [make a donation]( Feel free to [contact Church Militant]( with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...
> > **Not even close.**
> > With the horrific images from Washington, D.C., earlier this week, the whole world can now see the extent of the evil foisted on it by the combination of the Democratic Party and the U.S. bishops.
> > The United States is the abortion capital of the world when you factor in the foreign policy angle, meaning Democrats and RINO Republicans tie foreign aid aimed at poor nations to their acceptance of abortion and contraception. In their view, the best way to eliminate poverty is to just kill the poor.
> > All of this raises the legitimate and long-overdue question, How is being a Democrat any different from being a member of the Nazi Party? In truth, the Nazis could only dream of such evil and atrocities and killing.
> > Democrats, many of them fake Catholics that cowardly bishops have refused to deal with (lest their own crimes be revealed by their child-killing counterparts), have the blood of tens of millions on their hands. In fact, the Nazis actually look tame standing next to this rot.
> > Yes, Hell does have chambers for the truly evil — where the well-deserved torture and everlasting agony will be more intense and severe. The Democrats, each and every one, need to be expelled from the Church, excommunicated; and any bishop who does not comply needs to be treated the same way.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here:
> Please consider [Church Militant Evening News]( for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.
(post is archived)