> As a reminder, please join us in our daily morning Rosary Novena (2020nationalnovena.com).
> Church Militant (churchmilitantaction.org) (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account (churchmilitant.com) or simply make a donation (churchmilitant.com). And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...
> Unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you have no life within you.
> Today is Holy Thursday, the day in which all of human history — salvation history — was collapsed into the Upper Room. All of salvation history has revolved around the single point of reference, the Real Presence of Our Blessed Lord in the Holy Eucharist, under the appearance of bread and wine.
> What Our Lord instituted in the Upper Room with His Apostles was the ability to actively participate in His saving work on Calvary no matter where a person is on earth or at what time or epoch they live in. Almighty God did not so favor the inhabitants of Israel that He denied the rest of humanity access to His divinity.
> But just as He veiled His divinity under His humanity then, He continues to veil Himself now — each time requiring an act of faith on the part of the men of the age. Either that Host offered in Mass is Jesus Christ — Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity — or it is not. There is no other choice.
> Frequently, God demanded an act of faith on the part of a person when the person asked something of Him. This was not for His glory per se, but it was for the sake of the person. If a man would declare his faith in what had been presented to him, he was given access to the glory of God.
> God proposes truth to us, then we must decide. We are each given sufficient interior truth to choose correctly. God appoints the time when a person comes to the moment of faith, for He alone knows the time of perfection when a person is sufficiently prepared to choose.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here: https://www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-eucharistic-dominance
(post is archived)