> As a reminder, please join us in our daily Rosary Novena (2020nationalnovena.com).
> Church Militant (churchmilitantaction.org) (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account (churchmilitant.com) or simply make a donation (churchmilitant.com). And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...
> Only the truth matters.
> Within the Catholic world, a media war has erupted. And frankly, it's getting ugly.
> There is the establishment media, which does nothing but apologize for inept bishops and their dalliances. They go out of their way (with increasing frequency) to attack outfits like Church Militant for not toeing the party line and kissing up.
> In another camp is the Marxist "Katholyc" crowd — that's Catholic with a K. National Catholic Reporter and Fr. James Martin are prime examples, along with America Magazine and so forth. They likewise attack outfits like Church Militant because we report on their dissent and heresy in their attempts to destroy the Church and remake it after their own sinful wills.
> We see much of this dynamic at work in the secular media world as well, although there it is a little more clearly defined: Marxist media and more politically conservative media.
> There are a few more splinters in the Catholic world, frankly, because there are more competing agendas stemming from different views of the Church — the establishment media types and the dissent media types and the "rad-trad" media types — all with pretty dramatically different views about the Church.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here: https://www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-tell-it-like-it-is
>> As a reminder, please join us in our [daily Rosary Novena](https://2020nationalnovena.com/optin1598968688164).
>> *[Church Militant](https://www.churchmilitantaction.org/) (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.* If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a [Church Militant Premium account](https://www.churchmilitant.com/gopremium) or simply [make a donation](https://www.churchmilitant.com/donate). And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...
>> **Only the truth matters.**
>> Within the Catholic world, a media war has erupted. And frankly, it's getting ugly.
>> There is the establishment media, which does nothing but apologize for inept bishops and their dalliances. They go out of their way (with increasing frequency) to attack outfits like Church Militant for not toeing the party line and kissing up.
>> In another camp is the Marxist "Katholyc" crowd — that's Catholic with a K. National Catholic Reporter and Fr. James Martin are prime examples, along with America Magazine and so forth. They likewise attack outfits like Church Militant because we report on their dissent and heresy in their attempts to destroy the Church and remake it after their own sinful wills.
>> We see much of this dynamic at work in the secular media world as well, although there it is a little more clearly defined: Marxist media and more politically conservative media.
>> There are a few more splinters in the Catholic world, frankly, because there are more competing agendas stemming from different views of the Church — the establishment media types and the dissent media types and the "rad-trad" media types — all with pretty dramatically different views about the Church.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here: https://www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-tell-it-like-it-is
(post is archived)