My belief is that Voris gets lots of money from the jews. Hence why he is an apostate traitor. Why he has such a huge audience and why he has a costly studio. Voris's type believes the ends justify the means. This is a very talmudic way of thinking and is anti-Christian. Voris is rumored to be part of Opus (ju)dei.
Voris says he rejects sodomy, but whose to say he himself isn't still doing that? Why even follow someone who has a history of sodomy?! There is enough of that in the novus ordo sect. I guess the novus ordos can't get enough of that. Of course Voris won't call out Bergoglio. Voris is part of the Novus Ordo religion. It's not Catholic. Voris sticks to the sodomite issue to divert attention away from seeing the truth about all the heresies. He always lays blame on the "bishops" while promoting a few "bishops" who say a couple Catholic things although are total heretics themselves. It's a big charade that parallels what's going on in the government.
E Michael Jones and Marshall are both novus ordos. Lifesitenews are also judaizers. They have zionist "Christian" jew Dr. Michael Brown as a writer. Or how about the B'nai B'rith award winning Van Maren. Van Maren's lifesitenews bio states this. Imagine calling yourself Catholic and bragging about your awards from the jewish masonic order. Lifesitenews is talmudic controlled fake opposition. They are bank rolled by jews most likely as well. They have article speaking highly of orthodox jews. Both lifesitenews and voris always promote that one jewish nun. It's so obvious.
E Michael Jones holds to the Vatican II belief that muslims worship the same God as Catholics. Heretic. He has done a good bit of writing on the jews, I'll give him that, but Jones has other agendas. There's a reason he has gained a lot of popularity with young conservatives just like the charlatan Juden Peterstein. E Michael Jones has also been rumored to be in Opus (ju)Dei.
Then there is Marshall who has gained a lot of popularity in recent years for saying a few things that trad Catholics have been saying for decades. He credits much of his rise in popularity from the Opus Dei. He is a much more open judaizer than Voris,
Anne Barnhardt is another foolish novus ordo. Totally clueless on the jewish question or maybe she is getting money from them like the other apostates. She is a Benevacantist. Part of the crowd of people who think Ratzinger was a conservative pope much less a Catholic. Ratzinger is a hardcore modernists. Very clueless. Ratzinger denies the Resurrection!
Who do you listen to? Who is your idea of a good catholic?
I read books from the Saints. I listen to my priest. The Saints are my idea of good Catholics. Christ is a good Catholic. My priest is a good Catholic.
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