The roman church has been in apostasy since its inception.
The apostles nor Christ started the roman catholic church. She is and has always been "the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth".
If you love your son, its time to heed Christs warning in Revelation 18:4
do you have nothing better to do with your time than troll a forum for a religion which you don't even adhere to?
maybe go pick up a hobby, i am sure you would find it much more fulfilling.
Not trolling at all. Doing my christian duty to pull my neighbor out of the ditch. You are in satans counterfeit christian church mate.
You must flee it.
^ this
He is 100% correct and there is nothing better to do with his time than to lovingly explain this to you so that you may save you and your families souls. There is no love in dissimulation or in shunning you, leaving this post to collect dust. Might as well give you a little bit of truth, even if it's a little uncomfortable in the moment. Repent from the apostate anti-Christ 'church' and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. God Bless you.
scared Q fag? Does the Truth hit your gut but ur brain is too mushed to understand? God is in control.
(post is archived)