They are about to enter phase 2 of Operation Greengrift: EV suppositories. "We tried to be nice and lie so you bought them voluntarily. Now we've got no choice but to shove them up your ass."
Essentially, it follows the pattern of every government policy ever introduced: phase 1 (the con), phase 2 (the prostate exam)
They are about to enter phase 2 of Operation Greengrift: EV suppositories. "We tried to be nice and lie so you bought them voluntarily. Now we've got no choice but to shove them up your ass."
Essentially, it follows the pattern of every government policy ever introduced: phase 1 (the con), phase 2 (the prostate exam)
Has any government ever done anything for its people? All I notice is a lot of money laundering going on and insider trading. My favorite being Hillary's cattle futures trading. KEK.
Has any government ever done anything for its people? All I notice is a lot of money laundering going on and insider trading. My favorite being Hillary's cattle futures trading. KEK.
(post is archived)