Something interesting about a lead acid battery is almost every part of it is easily recoverable, and mostly reusable.
Lead plates? Yep. Sulfuric Acid? Yep. Plastic housing? Maybe, but plenty of refurb housings out there.
It's so easy to re-use the battery in your ICE car that people do it on a dirt floor in third-world countries.
Lithium-Ion? Not so much. There's a lot more chemistry going on in one of those.
Something interesting about a lead acid battery is almost every part of it is easily recoverable, and mostly reusable.
Lead plates? Yep.
Sulfuric Acid? Yep.
Plastic housing? Maybe, but plenty of refurb housings out there.
It's so easy to re-use the battery in your ICE car that people do it on a dirt floor in third-world countries.
Lithium-Ion? Not so much. There's a lot more chemistry going on in one of those.
(post is archived)