If you are in a jeep club, someone has spare gas in a 5 gallon (~40 lb total Inc can) jerry can. A spare tesla battery pack weighs ~ 1200 lbs.
When the batteries are dead, can you drag it in neutral or are you in 4 wheel lockup? The cybertruck is supposed to weigh 8500-10k lbs, throw in a 4 wheel lockup and it's gonna be staying right where it is.
Yeah, so gas can or spare battery. Also, the Jeep club is hypothetical. You may as well be saying that if winged monkeys flew out of someone’s ass, you’d saddle up and ride home.
I'm in a jeep club and I take mine in some desolate places. We have had to do everything from replace axles to weld frames on the trail.
Yeah, but I mean not everyone is.
(post is archived)