First off yes, you're retarded. Now that we got that out of the way. "Atomized" is the proper mechanical terminology for what you call misted. Gas lines for engines are under pressure, approximately 50 or so pounds per square inch. The fuel is pumped out of the gas tank into the engine and there's a return line for what isn't burned to go back into the fuel tank, because pressure. Now for the vacuum boiling of gasoline. You are correct, first off it would be extremely dangerous and second off it would take a lot of energy to accomplish. a lot more energy than simply pumping the fuel under pressure into the combustion chamber and burning it.
I'm just sure there's a better way to deliver the fuel to the engine. Everything else in this world is upsidedown
From the technological mechanical standpoint we've pushed the internal combustion engine about to its limit of power output. What I was trying to relay was, boiling gasoline would consume more energy then it would put out and be extremely dangerous in an accident. You can also look at it this way, after it's injected it fires immediately. There's no need to boil it at all.
(post is archived)