What part of "auto pilot/steer is disabled" once a certain speed is reached?
I don't know. What part?
Not sure if it is 70 or 80, but once a programmed speed is reached instead of a governor the auto pilot can not (and should not) work.
So is it 70, 80, 85 like I've seen on other forums, 90? Pick one please. I've seen others report that autosteer (not autonomous driving) still works at higher speeds. This comes right from some user forum, but I'm not going to bother presenting the link because I know you'd not read it. I honestly doubt you've even driven one of these vehicles.
Are you really this stupid?
Well, stupidbird is my username, but you hurling it as an insult means your argument has run out and now you're just using insults because you can't think of anything else to say.
That car was going at 120 before it passed the the first car "manually" while auto pilot was already (before the start of the video) disengaged.
Yes. The auto-whatever was off. For a considerable amount of time before the video even started. And the point here is speed kept increasing for some reason, probably due to driver input. The fact that the Tesla was travelling 120MPH here just shows me that it can accelerate 15MPH in 7s on a highway. Nothing more. It's a completely not-relevant point except to show the speed was already at dangerous levels.
I am no fan of auto pilot on public roads. I hate tax subsidized Tesla.
But yet here you are shilling for them presenting me with no actual information, just saying things that we can all see aren't in the material presented.
Yet lying about auto pilot only makes it harder to prove the real reason AI driving is criminal.
What lies were presented. At no time did the article state the autopilot was "ON" at the time of the crash. My points, as presented above, are conclusions I drew from the article. They may be wrong, but they also point out failures in any autonomous system that assumes the wet controller (i.e. you) is going to react rationally. Tesla did not do that.
You are no better than CNN and the vote rigging DNC.
Oh dear. Well, I guess I'll just go retract my vote for Our President, Donald Trump then.
Let's get some common points here, since you've obviously not watched the video, read the article, or anything.
- When the video starts, it's about -10s delta collision. Approximately. That means the auto-whatever has been off for about 30s.
- When the first car is overtaken, it's about -7s delta collision. The auto-whatever has been off for about 33s.
- The fact that the Tesla is travelling 120MPH is about as relevant as the discovery of sheep at this point.
- When the Tesla impacts the Honda, the auto-whatever has been off for 40s. Supposedly alerts are blaring at this point.
- The Tesla impacts the Honda at delta 63MPH, or 135MPH (meaning the Honda was travelling at 72MPH. Assuming this is a 70MPH road, both cars are speeding.
My points still remain. The autopilot system, or in this case the emergency braking system, should have engaged. Why it was or can be disabled for this type of situation is a point I can't answer, but it shows a lack of forethought in a vehicle that's capable of travelling at speeds in excess of what most other cars will do because of revlimits on the engine.
So, I fully expect you to not read this, and to simply tell me I'm on drugs or I'm retarded. Or, you can be rational and actually read the article and present some information to support your point instead of being the typical NPC troll that shows up here quite often.
Besides, aren't you the same person that tried to tell me the electric drives in a Tesla are cheaper than gasoline engines? (No, looking at your comment history you are not that person, but the tone of your post started out the same, very condescending. Your material actually reads just like his, including the telling how you hate tax-funded Tesla.)
Lot of words for back tracking your drama queen theatrics. Idiot. "The autopilot system, or in this case the emergency braking system, should have engaged. " Auto pilot on high performance cars? You really are an idiot. AI should not only be banded on public roads, you idiots like you need to be scrapped for salvageable organs.
Every time you've tried to refute what I said, I give you information that's shown you've not understood the material or were wrong in your assumptions. That you do not attempt to re-make those points with some sort of counterpoint shows me that you realize you made a mistake, so you have to move on to something else. Your first comment was somewhat relevant, but as we've travelled down this thread you've resorted to name-calling and just picking at semantics at the words I've chosen.
Your use of the word high-perfomance car in regards to Tesla tells me that you believe they have value, and you imply that I am arguing these points because I believe the same, or believe that self-driving cars are somehow the cat's pajamas. That's your implication, and doesn't reflect my thoughts on the matter.
Let's go after the only points you've actually made in this last comment of name-calling. You state:
Auto pilot on high performance cars? You really are an idiot.
Tesla themselves call it autopilot, something you could have checked with a simple search.
Your next point, that of:
AI should not only be banded on public roads,
I agree that self-driving cars aren't there yet. There's too many variables, and it's, in my opinion, going to need to be a road where only automatically driven cars are allowed. Mixing human and automatics together without many interlocking failsafes is just going to result in what we saw during this event, where autopilot kicks off but the wetware doesn't kick on.
I really don't know what you're getting at here. You seem to think that Tesla is some great thing, but you hate them at the same time? I fully expect you to simply call me more names here and find something else to pick at, but I am interested in why you think AI should be banned from public roads, and I believe this is a good talking point. But, if history serves me correct, you'll ignore that offering and just insult me again.
All these words and (((your))) implied OT was to blame AI for driver error. This emotional dependence on blaming software for driver error is why foolish children play the strawman argument. Idiot child.
(post is archived)