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[–] 3 pts (edited )

Depends on your situation, but they can't fire you lawfully for refusing the vax, so you'll have legal remedy later on to sue, and if you have a document stating that's why you were fired, it's strong evidence working in your favor. If you quit, you're giving your consent to leave, and your case is weaker, if not completely ruined.

[–] 2 pts

The only downside I see to that, and I'm speaking to my personal situation, is I know of other jobs that are available now. No guarantees those jobs will be there later. Especially if the labor market starts shrinking for employees as more people rush to find work which doesn't require the jab.

I'm still going to wait and see if I get fired though. Will try religious exemption too.

[–] 2 pts

Exactly, if you're fortunate enough to find another job, take it and don't bother with the legal headache, if not, a future lawsuit may be a better option.

[–] 1 pt

Will try religious exemption too

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