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[–] 15 pts

Sounds like someone wants a trip to the reeducation camp.

[–] 3 pts

Waaaay back to the beginning of most people smelling shit (intended) in the ds’s claims about the dangers of covid:

Why aren’t there piles of dead homeless people with covid?

If ever there was a contagious gumbo of disease and rot, it’s anyplace where there are homeless.

If the non-vaxxed are so dangerous, you’d think that segment would be the first ones to be dealt with, especially in woke SF.

[–] 1 pt

Been saying this for almost two years. IF this ( covid)were real, we'd have the plague in most cities

[–] 8 pts (edited )

She will eventually move to the suburbs when she realizes that changing the city is hopeless. Then she will endlessly complain about how "vanilla" everything is and how she misses the wonderful diversity of the city.

[–] 0 pt

I actually encountered some of the behavior you speak of, when a neighbor’s sister came to visit from an all white area. She said she missed the diversity. I thought she sounded crazy because I was thinking back then, “where have all the white people gone?” I guess my neighbors didn’t miss the “diversity” because they moved to Portland. I don’t miss all that diversity since I got out of there either. Funny how it’s only diverse when there’s only a few white people left.

[–] 4 pts

What we need for the bums in the streets are what we had in the 1950s -- large, state-run mental institutions that operate like prisons for those unable to live up to the most minimum set of society's demands. It's the only way to improve the quality of life for everyone else, short of simply exterminating the bums. Those who don't want to be carted off to one of these institutions will get their act together, or get out of Dodge. Mentally ill street-people, who are mostly alcoholics and drug addicts, cannot be allowed to live on the streets in a civilized country.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

We also need harsher sentences for drug users. Forced imprisonment or treatment. You don't just get to go back into society and find some way to get more and more money for drugs.

and I say this as the brother of someone that was a useless junkie. There's no other alternative.

[–] 0 pt

Many of those street people had homes until they got hooked on drugs and alcohol. I don’t understand how they can let themselves fall that far to the point of living like dogs in filth, relying on handouts and government welfare. Where’s the dignity, the self respect and respect for others? Missing, I think. However, government run “institutions that operate like prisons” are just that; prisons. Anyone could be thrown in the dungeon for any reason if we allowed the state to operate this way. Now that I think about it, sounds a bit like a concentration camp. Disallowing homeless encampments on public streets would be a good starting point to fixing this situation. If you look under a certain bridge in L.A. County, you’ll see on the Culver City side a clean walkway but the other side is a dirty, human sludge encampment; reason why is because Culver City doesn’t allow homeless camps on the street and the other city does.

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 1 pt

It could be a relative thing, meaning that so many are attracted to the city because it's renowned (allegedly) for taking care of the destitute, so that it is being overwhelmed. I find that almost everything is relative.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Liberal/Lefty/Progressivey types have higher rates of diagnosable mental and physical illnesses. High mutational load writ large results in spiteful societal degradation.

I have some really smart friends in SF but they are incredibly naive. The way they live their lives and vote is completely opposite of what's actually happening around them. I've since moved but I know the realization is coming and it's going to be tough for them.

[–] 0 pt

First time I hear about nitter

How is it different than twatter or gab?

[–] 0 pt

Nitter just archives twitter links.

[–] 0 pt

noticing her hand creme corrupted her skin, she continued applying the creme, because to not do so would make her hands uncomfortable

[–] 0 pt

escaping the matrix, noticing the lies.

The good thing about radical leftism is that it leaves an unmistakable wake of death and destruction.

As long as we’re not stupid enough to adopt this bullshit wholesale like the chinks, it will make more enemies than allies real quick.

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