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[–] 0 pt

This is one of those 'let the market decide' things. Zone it as residential. Let people build however they'd like.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Re the market and let people build how they like - people bought into nice single family home neighborhoods. They worked hard to get the dream. There are certain ethnicities that like to make money and will RUIN someone's home value instantly by building high density low income (small sq ft) apartments out of their lot. Imagine the usual neighborhood street, and a home in the middle of the street builds out by dividing their home into 4 units as per the law. Now, homes on either side of that monstrosity, homes behind that monstrosity and homes on the opposite side of the street have their home value destroyed. Now people want to move out before their home value plummets. A new slum is born. Government then pays the rent vouchers to the welfare cases who can't pay any amount of rent no matter how low, and CA workers pick up the bill in tax and lose value in their single family homes until they too are poor.

Then you have dem exodus to your nice conservative state

https://www.ocregister.com/2014/08/12/chinese-homebuyers-seeking-security-in-oc/ "Most buyers prefer to congregate near existing Chinese enclaves in Irvine and the San Gabriel Valley communities of Arcadia and San Marino. But local agents specializing in overseas transactions say buyers now are diversifying...People like to invest...They spent a week in the new home before Lu’s father jetted back to work in China" Diversifying / invest= MAKE MONEY OFF OF REAL ESTATE

[–] 1 pt


White People PAY MONEY to get away from spics and niggers. Then socialists resent White zip codes and White schools.


Outlawing White Neighborhoods & Freedom of Association :

https://www.bitchute.com/video/amxXREPqYfyb/ https://archive.org/details/youtube-4xP9TjNj9C8

[–] 0 pt

Whew, lad. You didn't understand my point at all.

This is a new law that is clearly not letting the market decide.

Wait, I need to yell at you in "nil"-speak like you are to me:


Letting the market decide what type of residential zoning they want means not passing a law that restricts what type of residential housing is put in place. AKA, let the free market decide, don't pass laws deciding for the market.

[–] 0 pt

You wrote :

This is one of those 'let the market decide' things. Zone it as residential. Let people build however they'd like.

Those are the words I responded to. Others also read your words my way.

Your words are your words. I am not wrong. You said people can ignore zoning laws voters enacted and "Let people build however they'd like."

Now you backpeddle your confusing words.

[–] 0 pt

The 'market' is letting cities decide their own zoning. You are free to move outside a city into a city which zoning suits you.

[–] 0 pt

The 'market' is letting cities decide their own zoning.

No, cities zoning out to granular details is not letting the market decide. That's literally the government telling the market what type of residential housing is permitted in the residential zone.

[–] 0 pt

You are free to move outside a city into a city which zoning suits you.

[–] 0 pt

How about zone it single family and let people not buy there if they don't want to live with that?

Property rights aren't absolute. You can't move in next door and start burning tires because it's "your property." You're still shitting up the neighborhood, which is infringing on everyone else's property rights. Building nigger and spic dormitories isn't a property right.

[–] 0 pt

How about zone it single family and let people not buy there if they don't want to live with that?

But what about people who want to live there but don't want to live in a single family home? What if they want a condo?

You can let the people form their own cooperatives without interfering with the government. If people want a home owners' association (or land owners), they can form it and ratify it with municipal blessing.

If you haven't noticed, I'm not an authoritarian. I prefer to let the people decide. The government doesn't need to baby sit every list thing we do.

[–] 0 pt

If you haven't noticed, I'm not an authoritarian. I prefer to let the people decide. The government doesn't need to baby sit every list thing we do.

You are authoritarian, you just have a different opinion of who should be in authority. Rights that can be voted away by others are not rights. That's like leaving it up to your neighbors whether you're allowed to fly an American flag on your property or whether you're allowed to own firearms. It's no less authoritarian for a group of your neighbors to deny you your rights than it is for government to do the same.