You never try to help. You consistently call shit features and then move posts. You've been doing it for a very long time. Anytime someone brings an honest issue up you laugh it off and basically tell them to go fuck themselves. You're the rude one
I have always been nice to the point where I don't give a crap about your opinion
You have sandyV since back when you made demands to increase the custom CSS limit and got all pissy when we didn't bend to your order.
Here's another proof that you can't code CSS, try this lol:
body .th-navbar.pure-g, body.dark .th-navbar.pure-g, .th-navbar.pure-g{margin-top:100px}
Yes. I asked nicely to get the CSS expanded and even then you threw a tantrum. It was common sense.
Back when you were hardcoding every fucking value in the stylesheet
(post is archived)