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[–] 2 pts

It's too bad to see how many of you despise and hate your parents or grandparents. Funniest part of it all is, you're all going to be "boomers". Except most likely you're going to be euthanized at 65 and used to fertilize insect protein farms.

Gotta keep those White people fighting amongst themselves and hating for one reason or another.

[–] 1 pt

My parents are not like this, but 90% od boomers are and there is no doubt that you are the generation which has enabled the jews to do all they are doing today, and you continue to support them as you laugh at the fact that your children are already one foot in the slavery you sold them to.

[–] 0 pt

That's silly rhetoric that has no meaning. "Boomers" were far more indoctrinated and brainwashed than any generation (thanks for the hullacust) -up until millennial and zoomies, that is, what with all the sexual perversion and open anti-White hatred.

The post WW2 generation is really no different than any other aging generation that younger generations can point the blame finger at and piss and moan about current state of affairs.

Drop those redpills on the oldsters for sure. Are they to blame for jew power? I'm not so sure about that, jews owned hollywood and the developing television industry early in the 20th century. Partly to blame? Yes.