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[–] 4 pts (edited )

I've done the "ok boomer" thing to people 20+ years older than me, especially when they start running their mouths about how "You're going to need to think about ______________ because you're going to need to start doing it soon." - Usually this is something stupid like going to a quack and having them stick a camera up my ass while forcing a dozen pills on me, because "that's what you do!" Sure thing, useful idiot. You just go on and do what the electric jew says. One of them that's told me that almost died recently because quack tore her intestinal wall.

If said boomer tried the rent thing on me, I'd say "Paid my house off in less than 10 years. What did you do? Still paying, yeah? Moron."

[–] 2 pts

Boomers and their obsessed with doctors is disturbing. It's almost as if they want to be sick so they can brag about it.

[–] 2 pts

I know. I don't think it's because they want to be sick, but because they were constantly told that they need to see a doctor all the time for anything from a sniffle to a splinter. Even some younger people do it - for example, I got a rash once from trimming a mulberry because they can cause irritation. You keep it clean, moisturized, and take some benedryl and it goes away after a few weeks.

I had one person I knew at the time just go "OH MY GOD YOU NEED TO GO SEE A DOCTOR ABOUT THAT!" Why? Well....well...he really couldn't tell me why, just that I needed to do that because it needed...something.

[–] 1 pt

They believed the lie about a pill can fix everything. They don't understand that Pill A causes Side Effect X, Side Effect X can be treated (really managed) by Pill B that causes Side Effect Y.

[–] 0 pt

Boomers are the last generation to lose childhood friends to diseases, viruses, and bacteria.