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[–] 2 pts

Sucks being part of the worst generation in history, but if you saw how bad it was why didn't you do anything or say anything to stop it?

Boomers certainly lump all other generations together.

Whiney children who never grew up, even in their 70s now. Entitled to the point where they refuse to pass on the generational wealth they got from their parents to their kids because the Boomers have lumped the younger generations together and said to themselves, "they are lazy so I will keep it all to myself."

To be part of the ONLY generation in ALL human history to wish it worse for the following generations sucks, but it sucks more for the generations that follow.

Anyways. You suck. The world will be a better place when the Boomers finally die off.

[–] 1 pt

Okay Junior.

[–] 0 pt

An entire planet just waiting for your shit generation to die already.

[–] 0 pt

It's not healthy to blame others for a crappy situation.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Entitled to the point where they refuse to pass on the generational wealth they got from their parents to their kids

?? What generational wealth are you talking about? My grandparents lived through the great depression, then started a family after WWII, they spent what they earned RAISING their large family. My grandfather did not leave a significant amount of wealth to be split by his children after my grandmother dies. If their kids (half of whom are retired seniors that could really use it for legitimate expenses themselves btw) were to spilt it among all us grandchildren and greatgrandchildren when she goes it would be probably less than half what we all make in a year approximately.

[–] 0 pt

Land, houses, knowledge. This is generational wealth. Show me a Boomer who used all their wisdom to help their kids and I'll show you the very rare exception to the rule.

[–] 0 pt

What, you want them to give you the house they are living in before they are done with it? And I'm sorry you had such shitty parents they didn't try to raise you up right with "all their wisdom" but the VAST majority of parents do the best they know how for their kids - biology demands it. What life skills and good habits do your boomer parents have that they didn't try to instill in you?

[–] 0 pt

Yeah, I need some of that 'generational wealth' myself, mine seems to be missing as well.

[–] 0 pt

You are full of shit and belong back on McReddit. This is the absolute bottom take of the lowest shit-tier if there was a legit rating system for comments.

The unironical whining about not getting an inheritance and entitlement was a great laugh, at your expense. Thanks.

[–] 1 pt

Spotted the triggered boomer.

[–] 0 pt

Wrong. I respect my elders and honor my ancestors, but am not boomer-age or -tier.