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[–] 0 pt

A White person who has allegiance to the jews is no better than a jew. I'm not for D&C, but there are too many Whites who will never denounce the jew and therefore should not be treated any different or better than a jew. They can't be saved. Much like niggers, you can't teach them to be different from their ingrained programming. Many White boomers are so attached to jewish ideology that they cannot be saved or rehabilitated. They will subvert the rest of us just the same as the jew will. Wake up, brother. You can only save those who want to be saved. Don't waste your time and energy on those who will always see you as a White privileged supremacist or toxic colonial White. Making an omelet requires breaking eggs. Bad eggs must be thrown out. Do you really want an omelet made with bad eggs, jews and niggers just because you don't want to believe that sometimes you have to D&C?

The jew ruined Whites will happily dispose of you. They aren't your friends or allies. They want you dead just as much as any jew. You can't trust our future to them. Even without jews, their compassion mechanisms have been so damaged by the jew agenda that they will still want to integrate with muslims, niggers, chinks and pajeets and will continue to believe diversity is our strength. They will hate you for thinking otherwise. Don't you get it? That's why you can't redpill anyone with your walls of text on the jews. You don't get it. You think every White person can, should and will be be saved. Time to come to the hard realization that only some Whites are worth saving. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can use your efforts and energy for rallying those who should go on. Don't let the kikes trick you.

[–] 0 pt

A White person who has allegiance to the jews is no better than a jew.

I take only a slightly different view, summed up as “But whereas other groups of people simply reject from ignorance, the jews are of the foulest sort. They reject from knowledge.” They do what they do willingly. Others, most often, do it unknowingly, because they’ve simply never experienced anything else.

Imagine never even thinking, “We are alone” simply because it has never occurred to you to think that there’s any other way to be. – Douglas Adams

A corollary would be “Imagine never even thinking, “They aren’t like us” simply because it has never occurred to you to think they aren’t.”

I'm not for D&C, but there are too many Whites who will never denounce the jew and therefore should not be treated any different or better than a jew. They can't be saved. Many White boomers are so attached to jewish ideology that they cannot be saved or rehabilitated. They will subvert the rest of us just the same as the jew will.

Right. That goes for all generations, however. Boomers are singled out only because they’re the first generation which existed entirely in The New World Order, and therefore are painted as the Prime Movers and original actors thereof. They were the first people, as a group, to never know anything but jewish rule over every aspect of their lives.

How do you recognize a society’s “origin story”? It fulfills three functions:

  1. It explains the origin and structure of the world and society.
  2. It defines ultimate good and ultimate evil. From those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power.
  3. It determines what is held sacred in that society.

The story of World War II has become the origin story for the Western world. It fulfills all three functions:

  1. We live in the “postwar” world. The lines on the map, the social and governmental institutions, and the sense of the “era” in which we live arise directly from the starting point of World War II.
  2. World War II saw national socialism pitted against all other ideologies. The “values” derived from the winners of the war are anti-racism, egalitarianism, multiculturalism, anti-nationalism, subjectivism, relativism, and so on.
  3. The only thing that is held sacred–which cannot be denied, questioned, or mocked–in the contemporary Western world is the holocaust.

The problem with this is that all three functions are backward. They are in the negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story, that slot is occupied by “ultimate evil.” Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the “personification of evil,” is the centerpiece of the WWII story. Each of his beliefs, taken individually, is held to be a component of “evil.” As such, belief in them is forbidden today. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime, the holocaust is an obscenity. Having a negative origin story means the thought processes of Westerners are poisoned. A society’s bounds of “allowable thought”–its Overton Window–and the orientation of ideas which stem therefrom lie downstream from the creation of the society. The event which formed a society is of the utmost importance in determining what is “acceptable” within that society. As long as our understanding of who we are is determined by a negative origin story, the only direction for society is down. The missing emotional complex is positivism–self-love. It is no longer felt by Westerners due to the destructive force that is a society controlled and created by jews, angling toward communism. Jews have successfully imparted their worldview–which comes from a position of self-hatred and existential negativism–onto the West.

In the 75 years since its conclusion, WWII has been redefined by media, academia, and government to act as the “origin story” for Western society. It establishes how the world was formed, the definitions of “good” and “evil,” and that which society holds sacred. The holocaust is held sacred and unquestionable. But it’s a hoax, and now you know. What does this redefinition mean for Western society? What was held sacred in the West before WWII? The holocaust exists to subvert Jesus Christ as the preeminent messianic sacrifice. In supplanting Christ as messiah, the holocaust replaces Him with the Talmudic satanism of judaism. By forcing the people of the world to believe in “the holocaust,” jews supplant Christ in the hearts and minds of Westerners, converting them to jewish Talmudism. Moreover, this gets people to accept the doctrines of talmudism:

  • Society: White genocide and the dismantling of all white, Christian civilization
  • Economics: Keynesianism, private central banking, and usury
  • Government: Communism and one world governance

These three elements comprise all political thought. Nothing has gone untouched by the effects of the holocaust and the “justification” of jewish actions around the world since the end of World War II.

You can only save those who want to be saved.

I don’t speak much on my personal views and opinions. That statement is going to piss off a fuck-ton of shills here and elsewhere. But one of the biggest... emotional? hang-ups I have right now–one of the things that demoralizes me and contributes to my crippling depression–is attempting to reconcile the knowledge in your statement with 1. my desire to continue to get people to wake up and 2. my fears that we will never have enough whites, fast enough, to ever actually fight back in any way, shape, or form.

[everything else you said]

Yes, absolutely.

That's why you can't redpill anyone with your walls of text on the jews.

Well, everyone. It’s fine that everyone won’t; but ‘anyone’ is reductionist.

Time to come to the hard realization that only some Whites are worth saving. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can use your efforts and energy for rallying those who should go on.

Another of my worries is that it’s possible everyone who can be saved is already saved, and we’re simply wasting our time trying to convert others rather than physically fighting back already...

[–] 0 pt

Well at least you have been thinking about it and trying to reconcile the ideological discourse within it. I too have had to do this, but I landed where I did- not everyone can, should our would be saved. I had to look deep into human history to see that this is a theme that plays out time and time again. It shaped us and the world probably more than any other single ideological conundrum. It's a part of life to make hard choices. Eugenics is exactly that kind of ideological conundrum. I haven't decided that one yet because it isn't based on one's own decisions but instead on factors they may have absolutely no control over. Those are a different kind of egg that might not go in your omelet but might still be worth putting in your cake.

Anyway, there's no real answers to be found here. We just have to decide for ourselves what our beliefs and goals are. Your will differ from mine, no doubt, but it is important that we each find our own and work towards their nurturing and fulfillment. We're not enemies, even the boomers, but we're not aligned or allied either. We're just one our own paths for our own reasons and sometimes they combine and other times they cross as they meander on into the distance. It is what it is. We're not the first to find ourselves here and we won't be the last. It just is what it has been, is and will be.