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[–] 3 pts

Yeah it was the boomers. Not the central banks, federal reserve, or globalists...it was the boomers.

They were there and did nothing, yes, but there is no fucking way it wasn’t the same group of assholes it has always been.

[–] 5 pts

BOOMERS sold their kids into debt slavery with glee

Now most are sitting fat and happy while their kids are drowning in debt they created

[–] 0 pt

To whom? That’s what I thought.

[–] 1 pt

Duh, the jews. Did you really have to ask that question? (rhetorical ask so no need to answer that)

[–] 0 pt

Universities and (((banks))) that finance unforgiveable student loans, debt bondage

[–] 0 pt

The boomers are easy. Soft. Stupid. It's the ones that convinced them that should be blamed.

[–] 1 pt

What generation do the current central bank pawns, federal reserve controllers and elite globalists belong to? Are the majority of them not boomers? It always seems to be forgotten that there are people inside these corrupt organizations and those people belong to certain generations. When you realize they themselves are boomers, then it really does drive the point home that boomers may not be the cause of the problems, but they certainly play their parts in the continuation of the problem.

[–] 1 pt

What generation do the current central bank pawns, federal reserve controllers and elite globalists belong to?

THE JEWISH GENERATION. THEY’RE JEWS. The “boomer” concept only exists because of jewish wars. It was the jews who took over the economy in 1913. It was the jews who caused the Great Depression (federal reserve website even publicly admits this). It was jews who passed all the unconstitutional communist policies in response to it, which are the ENTIRE POINT of this post. Boomers had nothing to do with it. They were born into a world that had already fallen for jewish lies for two entire generations. They knew no other world. They knew no other way of living.

The only thing you can fault them for is being too weak and pathetic to think critically about the situation and overcome their base desires for free shit and hedonism to fight back. For that they are ENTIRELY responsible. But the exact same thing can be said about us. This generation war bullshit is just more jewish D&C propaganda.

[–] 0 pt

Yes it's the jews. It's always the jews. But the current jews accelerating the plan to destroy us and enslave us are themselves majority boomer generation. The jews don't exist inside of a separate generational sequence. They are boomers and jews and they are bent on fulfilling their plan to enslave the goyim. Boomer jews and boomer shabbos goyim are the cause of the current evils. That means it IS the boomer's who are the current evil.

[–] 0 pt

Was it the boomers when the bankers funded both sides of every war for the last few hundred years?

[–] 0 pt

No, but the boomers currently in the banker's chairs are the ones funding the current forever wars and the made up wars like the war on drugs and the war on poverty. Different people over time but same game plan all the time. My point is the current ones doing the most damage we've ever seen are mostly boomers. Sure the damage has been cumulative, but this boomer led group is accelerating it like never before.

[–] 0 pt

It happened many times in the past.

The current "stimulus" checks are a great example of what has been happening since the 60's; low percentage of the debt to people, high percentage to the rulers (not politicians, they don't rule anything). Then the rulers use this to buy the economy from the people, and then the people are serfs.

We are just about to "the people are serfs" and it will suck.

[–] 0 pt

It has been happening for MUCH LONGER

[–] 0 pt

The acceleration went a lot quicker starting in the 60's. Money used to be tied to something, inflation was non-existent, welfare was for people unable to work and was private a lot of the time, people had morals and pride, etc.

Hell, there was a point in time where they gave away land, and even in this /pol/ post they mention that college used to be less than free (if you could get in).

[–] 2 pts

Fuck boomers and their "I got mine" attitude.

They fucking hate their kids. Jews didn't do that. They could've loved their kids and supported them but they didn't. Worst generation in human history.