(edited )
- Destroying public property 1 (liveleak.com), 2 (hooktube.com), 3 (hooktube.com)
- Whites are a virus (hooktube.com)
- South african "air plane" (hooktube.com)
- Let's go looting (hooktube.com)
- No go zone (hooktube.com)
- Detroit (hooktube.com)
- Race realism (hooktube.com)
- The Wakanda alphabet (bitchute.com)
- Thug life (google.com)
- Muslims attack (google.com)
- Rioting in Mexico (hooktube.com)
- Elmo lies on CNN that we are all the same (hooktube.com)
- CNN has Elmo lie that refugee children are just like us (hooktube.com)
- Commercials promoting race mixing (hooktube.com)
- Black scientist demonstrates Ohm's law (webm.red)
- New Amazon Go (files.catbox.moe)
* Destroying public property [1](https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=au8G_1533681136), [2](https://hooktube.com/NQsvaRjXR-k), [3](https://hooktube.com/j1HGgq6QKkU)
* [Whites are a virus](https://hooktube.com/6m0oMrMUiWQ)
* [South african "air plane"](https://hooktube.com/xmMELWuTVR0)
* [Let's go looting](https://hooktube.com/3FGRXRmSQtE)
* [No go zone](https://hooktube.com/7RhLs3AKtus)
* [Detroit](https://hooktube.com/G10ltFiFRr4)
* [Race realism](https://hooktube.com/_9kaJyRQfVw)
* [The Wakanda alphabet](https://www.bitchute.com/video/Lctn6nKSHNWN/)
* [Thug life](https://www.google.com/search?q=thug+life&source=lmns&tbm=vid&prmd=visn&hl=en-US&ved=2ahUKEwj4j7eGvOvcAhUWP98KHcUrDhkQ_AUoAXoECAAQBA)
* [Muslims attack](https://www.google.com/search?q=muslims+attack&prmd=nvi&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwio-5ngwOvcAhWMjlkKHdrjDAoQ_AUICigC&biw=360&bih=612)
* [Rioting in Mexico](https://hooktube.com/nbiEOp126yg)
* [Elmo lies on CNN that we are all the same](https://hooktube.com/shKCsK-6Ubk)
* [CNN has Elmo lie that refugee children are just like us](https://hooktube.com/hzEG9HiPo1U)
* [Commercials promoting race mixing](https://hooktube.com/joJb3ebHY9k)
* [Black scientist demonstrates Ohm's law](https://webm.red/36Kt.webm)
* [New Amazon Go](https://files.catbox.moe/0qck4b.mp4)
(post is archived)