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I'm out doing some hiking and bird watching with my binoculars yesterday. I notice a hawk flying around with something in its mouth. I train the binoculars on him and I see he has a chipmunk, which is noticeably still alive. For whatever reason, this hawk is gliding around with his lunch presumably scaring the crap out it, instead of landing and eating it.


But it was a pretty cool sight to see.

I'm out doing some hiking and bird watching with my binoculars yesterday. I notice a hawk flying around with something in its mouth. I train the binoculars on him and I see he has a chipmunk, which is noticeably still alive. For whatever reason, this hawk is gliding around with his lunch presumably scaring the crap out it, instead of landing and eating it. *coolstory.jpg But it was a pretty cool sight to see.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

Must have been horking at him, hawk had to teach the little bastard a lesson.

[–] 1 pt

Parading him around to show the other horkers what can happen!

[–] 2 pts

Exactly Don't fuck with Hawks.