during the infamous Battle of the pizza pie, the Commander in Chief, a dog named Commander who is the leader of the free world, saved his owner, who he protects as a disability and antianxiety animal quickly ate the pizza as Joe pooped his diaper and had a hot flash. His nurse and caregiver, a fake doctor named Jill, who is also unqualified then used a doggy bag to pick up the poop on the floor of the scene. The only casualty was Joe's dignity and reputation in a mostly peaceful, yet decisive battle between a decrepit senior citizen and a pizza slice.
*during the infamous Battle of the pizza pie, the Commander in Chief, a dog named Commander who is the leader of the free world, saved his owner, who he protects as a disability and antianxiety animal quickly ate the pizza as Joe pooped his diaper and had a hot flash. His nurse and caregiver, a fake doctor named Jill, who is also unqualified then used a doggy bag to pick up the poop on the floor of the scene. The only casualty was Joe's dignity and reputation in a mostly peaceful, yet decisive battle between a decrepit senior citizen and a pizza slice.*
(post is archived)