This coming on the heels of the Vatican poop-gate is perfect timing.
He needs a diaper and a warm blanket, not a whitehouse job.
This coming on the heels of the Vatican poop-gate is perfect timing.
He needs a diaper and a warm blanket, not a whitehouse job.
I got the biggest fucking laugh out of this. COP25 is the globalist version of like a Salesforce convention... a bunch of middle managers getting together to suck each other's dicks and recommit to the brand. But, at the level, you'd think they'd have some better drugs to hold that piece of shit together for at least a day. If I hadn't hated Biden since the 90's and knew he's dumb as a fucking stump, I'd swear this is some kind of epic troll since he was forced to take job of US Dismantler in Chief .
Always put a disposable figurehead in place to take the fall. Obama told Joe "you don't have to do this" , but the JoePedo wanted to spare his living kid the fate of Beau.
Dear Lord
Forgive us our gas-passings as we forgive those who pass gas among us.
Poopgate and Fartgate strike me as attempts to push that cock-sucking queen Kamala onto us as a preferable alternative when both of them are illegally occupying their offices.
TBH I would do the same if I had the chance
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